
Got a new forum? Here's some advice.
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Author:  Patchy [ Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Got a new forum? Here's some advice.

Cid, I can't understand you half the time. =x

And what the admins meant, I think, was that if you're using those ranks, you probably got them from here, and don't bother advertising here if you use them.

Not GO TO HELL IF YOU USE THEM, or anything.

Author:  Cid [ Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Got a new forum? Here's some advice.

ok i was now born in usa but my mom and dad is,

what the admins meant, I think, was that if you're using those ranks, you probably got them from here

first off im not going to make a pokemon forum and the ranks i said Elite Four,Gym Leader,Gym Trainer,Pokemon Trainer
,Pokemon Master and Pokemon Ranger are ttles from the game and te show which if i did make a pokemon forum i could say "well i watch the anime so i got it from the anime " and i do not care about advertising too. oh what if one day you go to some forum and saw those ranks there with diff rank images but the person did that made it did not come here you would say thats copy right ? and there are othere forums thats been here with ranks like that befor 2004 . i do not care if thay give me the rank of illiterate and if it makes you feel better ShinyHunter07 then i will delete my post about my froum .

Author:  Patchy [ Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Got a new forum? Here's some advice.

You could say it's from the anime, but you'd know it's not.

and i do not care about advertising too. oh what if one day you go to some forum and saw those ranks there with diff rank images but the person did that made it did not come here you would say thats copy right ?

No, I wouldnt.

and there are othere forums thats been here with ranks like that befor 2004

psypoke was around long before that.

and if it makes you feel better ShinyHunter07 then i will delete my post about my froum . I couldn't care less what you do with your post about your forum.

Author:  gdos7 [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Got a new forum? Here's some advice.

I've just read through this whole topic and was wondering if anyone could help me.
I'm not sure where abouts, so since it says something about advice on forums, I'll post it here.

I've recently made and IPBFree Pokemon forum site, but don't know really how to work it.
So I was just wondering if anyone could help me in this respect?

I'm sorry if I've posted this in the wrong topic, I just didn't know where else to post this.

Author:  Patchy [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Got a new forum? Here's some advice.

Well, really, if you don't know how to work a forum, you should just join one like it.

Author:  gdos7 [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Got a new forum? Here's some advice.

ShinyHunter07 wrote:
Well, really, if you don't know how to work a forum, you should just join one like it.

I know what you mean, but I do know how to work them
I just don't know how to do this one thing. It's irritating me as well.

Author:  cobthecobbler [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Got a new forum? Here's some advice.

The ranks on my forum are Trainer names, but they don't necassarily go in the same order as Psypokes, and not all of them are the same, and I didn't take them from here, I thought of them myself, but I don't see why we can't use them, if anything, Game Freak has rights over these names :l Just saying.

Such as
Bug Catcher
Elite Four
Pokemon Trainer
The rank images are yours, I'll give you that, but the names I'm sorry but they shouldn't be held by this forum alone, it's pretty much obvious that's going to be used in ANY Pokemon forum

Author:  Haunted Water [ Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Got a new forum? Here's some advice.

Ok. So I am thinking about making a forum for Nintendo Game Series (i.e.: LoZ, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Mario et.), and I need some help with it. But, I need advice. I know there are little chances of me copying, but... Yeah.
Damn, my mind's gone again.

EDIT: If my forums board, index, whatever, is similar to psypoke's, is that considered copying?

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