
Wrath EV Counter for Android
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Author:  Dravaloth [ Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Wrath EV Counter for Android

Have you found yourself EV Training your Pokemon when all of a sudden, after about your 153rd Battle with Wild Pidgeys you: get a text, your parents call from out of nowhere, your GF demands satisfaction, your house catches on fire thus burning all of your precious belongings with the exception of your 3ds( DSi, or your Gameboy of choice for this example) and your Smart Phone and you lose track of how many EVs you've accumulated!? Have no fear, after dealing with another sub-par EV Counter for my Android I decided to program my own. Wrath EV Counter. It's straightforward and easy to use and if I must say so myself has a pretty sweet GUI to boot. So check it out on the Google Play Store for Android, Rate it, Comment, let me know what you think. ... unter_free - Link to the Google Play Store - Like us on FaceBook and Share with your friends

I hope my contribution to the community will help Competitive Pokemon Battlers easily keep track of their EV Training
and saves you all a good deal of time. Thank you for your time.

Author:  Different55 [ Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrath EV Counter for Android

Only one big complaint, it doesn't look like it was designed for small screens (320x480). Some of the stuff is off-screen.

Small things:

9MB seems large for a seemingly simple app.

Bright green text on light gray buttons is a bad combination. In a few spots there's also light green text on top of light images. It's hard to read a lot of things.

The size of each option in the dropdown menus is a bit too small. You can hit the option you want to most of the time, but it's easy to miss.

The guy who left the 2 star review probably had a 320x480 screen. The Encountered Pokemon button is halfway off-screen so it's easy to overlook.

And a few bugs:
Turning off the screen causes all stats to reset to 0 + EVs the next time you add EVs to that stat.
Switching to another app also does this, as mentioned in the reviews.

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrath EV Counter for Android

Or you could just track your PP usage or use a calculator...

Author:  Different55 [ Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrath EV Counter for Android

Having an app dedicated to the task (or a computer/phone/device with a notepad) is the best solution. You COULD use one of the things you mentioned, but those have drawbacks.

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