
A Disturbing Trend
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Author:  Mektar [ Tue May 06, 2014 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  A Disturbing Trend

So, I've been watching a lot of anime lately, and I could spew about all the good shows I've seen recently. However, I've begun to notice a more pressing matter, one that seems to be slowly consuming the Otaku culture. The most popular new IPs in recent years all share but one major flaw. 2011's Madoka Magica. 2012's Sword Art Online. 2013's Attack On Titan. I've watched and enjoyed all three (albeit out of order, I just marathoned Madoka Magica on Netflix last night). All have stood out as the pinnacle of the medium in their respective years, and all share many superb qualities, such as top-notch animation, engaging soundtracks, and gripping storylines. However, all three share a common flaw, in my opinion: poor character development. Most of the major characters in all three shows are either undefined, totally one-dimensional, or undergo complete personal 180s. Perhaps people today want to insert themselves into the shows, rather than simply watch and follow, and the animation studios are catering to that desire. However, I feel a good protagonist is the backbone of a good story, and I fear that this tenant of good screenwriting is slowly being lost to time. Classic shows such as Trigun, Lucky Star, and Cowboy Bebop all place far more effort into appealing viewers through the cast, and these new shows just don't. [/endrant]


Author:  GhostPony750 [ Wed May 07, 2014 4:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Disturbing Trend mean stuff like fanservice and shizz? I've never really appreciated animes (not at all actually).

The biggest problem for me with them, are the characters; their traits are pushed to an extreme limit on most animes.* Just to make things funnier or whatever, but I dislike this. Well, as I said, the fanservice thing kinda ruins it, since they want the character to act in a way and stuff... Also, making their characters act in derp kinda attract the whole world to praise animes.

*Oh wait, that's what you said too. o_O Didn't understand at first reading lol

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