
Worst fakedex
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Author:  Equinoxe [ Thu May 12, 2011 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Worst fakedex

Haven't been here in ages but remembered again, so I thought I might as well showcase my fakedex-in-progress. There's quite a bit done already, so thankfully I can just copy-paste the whole thing from the PC thread (in which everyone complains about typings and forgets the sprites :I ).

sprites marked as m or f are merely gender differences, not separate pokemon
Pupcent has a split evolution, evolves either into Lunarf or Tenclipse
Fowilisk, Grilite and Chimir lines= fossils
last row= legendaries [Metrailit, Cometrice and Equilance]

They're all watermarked which is a way of saying "no, you can't use these". I'd be happy if you didn't steal the ideas/designs either!
Designs are done by me and my older sister (some are mostly hers, some are mostly mine, others are collaborations). I'm doing all the spriting, not for any game/hack though because there's just too much work. I'm aiming to make a full dex (150~?). Dex entries, abilities and other stuff is in progress, plus the legendaries have a backstory-ish thing.

Critique and such is appreciated, but I certainly don't want to hear "[pokemon] doesn't look like a [type] type" because that has nothing to do with the sprites themselves! :Y

Author:  Mektar [ Wed May 25, 2011 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Worst fakedex

I just noticed this. And it's one of the best Fakedex's I've ever seen. The Sprites themselves are great (perhaps better than me, even), but I'm even more fond of the concepts. They're all really clever and unique.

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