
A Few Simple Steps To Test Your Hidden Power Type.
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Author:  Benjamin [ Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  A Few Simple Steps To Test Your Hidden Power Type.

I know a few people (Like Me) That didn't keep track of their EV's and DV's, then found out about hidden power, and wanted to use it. <color=salesman>With this guide brought to you by WPM, find out your HP!</color>

1. Test your power out on a pure Psychic type. If Super Effective, go to step 2. If Not Very Effective, got to step 3. If normal effective, go to step 4.

2. Now test out your HP on a normal/flying type, like a Pidgey. If your attack is Not Very Effective, your HP is HP BUG. If it doesn't affect the pidgey at all, your HP is HP GHOST. If your attack is normal affective, then your HP is HP DARK.

3. Your HP is now either Psychic or Fighting. At this step, test against a Gastly. If it doesn't hit, your HP is HP FIGHTING. If it's super effective, your HP is HP PSYCHIC. You could also test it out against a pure poison type, like an Ekansif you can't get a Gastly.

4. Test your HP against a pure Bug type, like a Caterpie. If it's super effective, go to step 5. If it's Not Very Effective, go to step 6. If it's normal effective, go to step 7.

5. It's either Fire, Flying, or Rock now. Now test against a Fire type. If it's not very effective, your HP is HP FIRE. If it's normal effective, your HP is HP FLYING. If it's super efective, youre HP is HP ROCK.

6. Test against a pure electric type, like a Pikachu. If it's super effective, it's HP GROUND. If it's normal effective, your HP is HP GRASS. If your HP isn't very effective against that electric, test gainst a water type. If that's super efeective, your HP is HP ELECTRIC. If it's not very effective, your HP is HP STEEL.

7. Getting tired? I am. *sigh* Now then. Test your HP against a pure grass type, like a tangela. If it's not very effective, your HP is HP WATER. If it's normal effecive, your HP is HP DRAGON. If it's super effective, your HP is HP ICE.

8. If you've gone through all of these steps and kept at it, your HP is HP POISON. w00t!

I hope this helps at least one person. :D If this is in the wrong spot, please feel free to move it or lock it.

Kudos to Tonberryking to letting me do this and the trusty psypoke type effectiveness chart.

EDIT: Please PM me if you find any mistakes. Thanks.

Author:  dragonfan149 [ Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow thanks, I'll use it a lot. Anyway great job.

Author:  Magus [ Thu Apr 14, 2005 4:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow, nice work, but there is always the simple way to do it, fight a kecleon, but if you don't have R/S/E to find kecleon, this is the best way to do it, I'll use this often in FR.

Author:  dragonfan149 [ Thu Apr 14, 2005 4:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

ShadowFlygon wrote:
Wow, nice work, but there is always the simple way to do it, fight a kecleon, but if you don't have R/S/E to find kecleon, this is the best way to do it, I'll use this often in FR.

Wow never thought of that, God I'm stupid :roll: . Thx to both SF & WPM.

Author:  Benjamin [ Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, this is for FR/LG, before you fight the E4 mainly.

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Water Pokemon Master wrote:
Well, this is for FR/LG, before you fight the E4 mainly.

But this is in the Hoenn Generation section, so someone might want to move it.

Anyway, good effort, WPM. Keep it up :D

Author:  TonberryKing [ Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Stickied for a while... and I'll probably put this on the site (With credits, of course)

Oh yes, you can't get a Normal type Hidden Power. Only the other 16 types.

Author:  Benjamin [ Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:39 am ]
Post subject: 

You can't get normal HP? Wierd, I thought you could.

Yay! I got a sticky! ^^

EDIT: Edited out the part with HP normal.

Author:  Neo_Matrix [ Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Thank you!! You made life so much easier!!

Author:  Sneaky Sneasel [ Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very nice work WPM. :D This makes it much eaiser. Well except for the one time I used an unknown HP on a Pidgey and it didn't effect it at all, mking it HP Ghost. But anyway, great job. Peace Out!

Author:  Blaziken386 [ Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

my Charizard has HP Grass
my Raichu has HP Ghost
my Machamp has HP Fire
my Porygon has HP Poison (and this was tricky because I've never even seen a dragon pokemon in this game, so I skipped forward to fighting Magikarp, then tested it on a Diglett)
my Rhyhorn has HP Ghost also
and Kabutops is Ice

Author:  tessa7338 [ Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Wow. You know, I always wanted to know what the HPs of all the Unowns of FRLG were. I caught most of them and I tested them out but I gave up after a while and couldn't come to a conclusion. So, I can't wait to try it out. There was one that sup-effed Machamp and normalled Pigeot. It should be... Psychic? I can't even remember which one that was...

Author:  Benjamin [ Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I edited out the part with the dragon type, now it's a grass type. Since most people can't find a dragon in game, respectively. Hope I made it easier. =D

Author:  Holifax [ Tue Apr 19, 2005 6:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have hiden Power on my amphros, what should I give him?

Author:  Benjamin [ Wed Apr 20, 2005 12:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

I tweaked it a bit, T-King found a spot that didn't make sense. One less pokemon you have to battle. Yay!

EDIT: The ideal HP to get on an electric type is Ice. If you can't get that, grass or water will do.

Author:  371T3 [ Wed May 04, 2005 8:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Then what about the power? You'll need to do huge calculations to find the power, which ranges from 30-70 (taken from the Razor Leaf or Magical Leaf topic). But still useful. Good job.

Author:  Benjamin [ Thu May 05, 2005 12:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

The power isn't what's being tested here, it's the type of HP. :?

Author:  Rare Pokemon Master [ Sun May 08, 2005 6:55 am ]
Post subject: 

thanks, i'll bear that in mind

Author:  Meh.Who cares? [ Wed May 11, 2005 10:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow,thanks WPM.This makes finding EVs+HP type SO MUCH EASIER!

Author:  BlankCloud [ Wed May 11, 2005 10:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

how do you find out the power

Author:  Benjamin [ Thu May 12, 2005 1:34 pm ]
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Author:  Galar [ Thu May 12, 2005 1:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've tested my Medicham's Hidden Power in Spoink (super effective) and then, in Taillow (didn't affect it).... So, I guess its Ghost type.

Dude, this topic was {absol} utely handy, I really needed it. Thanx, Water Pokemon Master!

Author:  Benjamin [ Thu May 12, 2005 1:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, more positive feedback. =D

Tonberryking was also so kind as to put this on the site. Whee!

Author:  Galar [ Thu May 12, 2005 2:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

If so, my thanks to TonberryKing too! :D

Hope to see more of these helpfull works!

Author:  Sneaky Sneasel [ Sat May 14, 2005 2:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Also, one the Grass type part, you could change it to Grass/Posion as well, since there are few pure Grass types, compared to Grass-Poison. The results will stay the same as well.

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