
A "Basic" Guide to Exp. Points
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Author:  tiger10x [ Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  A "Basic" Guide to Exp. Points

First, you might want to know why and how long it took for me to write this. The answers are: First, I wrote this because I could not find a guide pertaining to this subject on Psypoke and hoped that this could fill that vacancy. Second, it took three days, about two hours a day. So... either way... enjoy! :D

~ Contents ~

1. What are Experience Points?
1.1 About
1.2 Why?

2. How do I Earn Them?
2.1 The Basic Facts
2.2 Extra Boosters
2.3 The Equation
2.4 When Can

Author:  TonberryKing [ Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's excellent! With your permission I'd like to stick that up on the main site (some time later... uh... unspecified).

There's also one other thing I'd like to add... a nice easy way of training up weak Pokemon is to have a "Bomb Squad" - let the weak Pokemon out in battle first, then switch to a strong Pokemon with Explosion. Use it and the weak Pokemon will gain all the EXP points intsead of half.

Author:  tiger10x [ Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes, I'd be VERY VERY VERY VERY... happy to have it placed on the site. :P

I'll add a section on "Ways to Train"... just not yet. I don't really feel like getting carpal tunnel syndrome tonight. :wink: Tomorrow... I need to get off soon anyway.

Author:  RaichuLatias [ Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

There's also the Sleep Talk/Snore only trick, I think it only works with GSCRSE though.

Also i'm pretty sure Lucky Egg gives you 1.5 times the Exp. points, unless it's changed since GSC.

*Also Stickified*

Author:  Galar [ Mon Jun 06, 2005 7:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

This is sooooooooooooo handy! And its so good to see common user's post being stickyfied! Great job, tiger10x!

Author:  tiger10x [ Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:56 am ]
Post subject: 

RaichuLatias wrote:
There's also the Sleep Talk/Snore only trick, I think it only works with GSCRSE though.

Also i'm pretty sure Lucky Egg gives you 1.5 times the Exp. points, unless it's changed since GSC.

First, what's the Sleep Talk/Snore only trick?

Second, Lucky Egg does double Exp. Points... I rechecked.

Edit: The new section will be called "Suggested Ways to Train" as Section 5 and people can "donate" their ways of training up levels to the cause. Wait about an hour or two.

Author:  RaichuLatias [ Tue Jun 07, 2005 1:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Sleep Talk/Snore trick is where you teach Ho-oh, Lugia and other pokes that give alot of points, only Sleep Talk or Snore.

Since the moves will fail every turn, you can knock them out to get alot Exp. Points.

Author:  tiger10x [ Tue Jun 07, 2005 2:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh... or one that knows only Splash. (Gyarados)

Another way to do it is to stockpile up on Secret Bases and train there when you can.

Edit: Updated

Author:  Galar [ Thu Jun 09, 2005 2:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

How can I do the Harmless Enemy trick? How can I teach Ho-oh/Lugia a move? Do I have to use Gameshark?

Author:  RaichuLatias [ Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

In GSC you could, All you'd do is catch a pokemon that gives alot of Exp. Points, train it to Lv. 100 and use the Move Deleter and teach it only Snore or Sleep Talk.

In RSE I think you could do the same thing with the Secret Bases.
And there's a Move Rememberer so you can use moves like Growl, Focus Energy, Any move that doesn't hurt your pokemon.

Author:  tiger10x [ Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Okay, now that I get to it...

Someone should be "in charge" of this topic (answering/adding FAQ/Training Suggestions). Who? (That I trust) (PM me)

Author:  seats [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:55 am ]
Post subject: 

this was sooo helpful and interesting. u should win something 4 ur efforts.
um but i still don't get wat it has in relation to dv's and ev's or wateva. i just don't get it.

Author:  tiger10x [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Nooo... this is just experience points... there's already a guide to EVs and DVs.

Anyway, getting this put on the site is THE reward.

(Check the PsyLab for EVs and DVs)

Author:  Galar [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:29 am ]
Post subject: 

RaichuLatias wrote:
In GSC you could, All you'd do is catch a pokemon that gives alot of Exp. Points, train it to Lv. 100 and use the Move Deleter and teach it only Snore or Sleep Talk.

In RSE I think you could do the same thing with the Secret Bases.
And there's a Move Rememberer so you can use moves like Growl, Focus Energy, Any move that doesn't hurt your pokemon.

Ohhh....I can't do that with a wild pok

Author:  TonberryKing [ Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:

I decided not to include the Pokemon Lists (they take ages to format, I'm lazy! :P) but even if I was going to include them, they'd be on the Psydex.

Thanks again, tiger10x :)

Author:  tiger10x [ Sat Jun 18, 2005 6:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

They took ages to type down... :P Maybe if you're not that busy they could just be added under each Dex page stat list... if you hadn't thought of that.

I like the site setup... it's awesome! And again, your welcome.

Author:  Girafarig [ Sat Jun 25, 2005 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  That's awesome!

You need to publish that or something! There are few guide I have seen that are detailed as this one. I'm going to start looking for that chansey!

Author:  rockey212 [ Mon Jun 27, 2005 8:36 am ]
Post subject: 

What does EV's mean?

Author:  RaichuLatias [ Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:28 am ]
Post subject: 

See this: ... php?t=1379

Author:  tessa7338 [ Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

What do you mean by:

List of Individual Pokemon Difficulties and Exp. Stats
Here is the list of who needs what and who gives what. (Finally) I will give them in the following format. Example:

(#) (Name)
(Difficulty) (Stat)

That? Especially the "Stat " Aprt? WHich stat is it? That I don't get but the rest is OK.

Author:  tiger10x [ Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

# <-- Number of Pokemon (001 - 386)

Name <-- Name of Pokemon

Difficulty <-- How much exp. points required to level up to 100. (See that section)

Stat <-- Exp. Stat that determines how much exp. you get from it after a battle.

Does that help?

Author:  TonberryKing [ Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:04 am ]
Post subject: 

tiger10x wrote:
Stat <-- Exp. Stat that determines how much exp. you get from it after a battle.

So you're saying Bulbasaur gives out 64 experience points? But isn't that dependant on the level of opponent's Pokemon?

Author:  Goldenprince [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

TonberryKing wrote:
tiger10x wrote:
Stat <-- Exp. Stat that determines how much exp. you get from it after a battle.

So you're saying Bulbasaur gives out 64 experience points? But isn't that dependant on the level of opponent's Pokemon?

It does. If you battle a Level 7 {caterpie} , you would get less exp. than battleling a Level 7 {geodude} . It probably depends on opponents stats. Either its stats are good or not. If good, you get more exp. If bad, you get less exp. well...i guess it doesn't depend on level. It depends on stats.
I mean. If you battle a level 7geodude, you would get more exp. than battleling a level8 caterpie. Caterpie's stats stinks and Geodude's are way better.

Author:  RukarioManiac [ Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:27 am ]
Post subject: 

What are EV's?????and what effect will they have on my level 100 blaziken????????

Author:  tiger10x [ Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A "Basic" Guide to Exp. Points

tiger10x wrote:
2.3 The Equation
Now that you know the basis of how they

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