
BW2 Walkthroughs
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Author:  ChillBill [ Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  BW2 Walkthroughs

The walkthrough hasn't been updated in quite some time. If EvilPenguin is, for any reason, unable to do it, perhaps someone else could take it up? This walkthrough is a must have for the site. After all, our main object is Pokemon gaming.
Also, we should reopen the GenV Rating Center. BW2 are out for almost two months. It would prove helpful to many.

Author:  WifiGuy [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BW2 Walkthroughs

Not to necro-post, but I was basically going to make a thread asking the same question as the OP of this thread. Why is there no B/W2 walkthrough on the site? Psypokes guides have been my go-to guides since Gen. III.

I really hope someone gets around to making a B/W2 walkthrough and uploads it on the site alongside all the other great Psypoke guides. I know everyone on this site is getting older and growing up, but make some time for the site still and try to update it here & there with the latest Pokemon content. I like Ser ebii (edit: didn't know it was censored?), but my first site to pop on is always Psypokes. And I know B/W2 has been out for a long while now and there are a ton more written and video walkthroughs of the game online, but they're not a detailed Psypokes walkthrough.

~ WifiGuy

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