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 My complete idea for a new Gen (Finished) 
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HURRAY! I'd like to thank all the members of psypokes for making this happen! THIS THREAD WOULD BE NOTHING WITHOUT YOU!

@Chillbull- CURSES! Foiled again!

Now for todays post.

Gray Version

Route North:

Route North is a norrow Winding mountain path going up. Its rather dry and arrid here. There are no trainers, but there are a few Grassy areas along the way here. YOu will also see transformer stations. There are little Grass Patches, sand patches and Rubble patches. The follwing Pokemon that can be fond here are as follows:

Grass Patches:

Voltactus(Morning and Afternoon Only) lvl 15
Known Moves- Pin Missle, Absorb, spark, Ingrain

Cacnea(Afternoon and Night only) lvl 15
Known Moves-Poison Sting, Absorb, Growth, Leech seed

Sand Patches

Sandile(Anytime) lvl 15
Known Moves-Bite, Sand Attack, Torment, Sand Tomb

Cacnea(Afternoon and Night only) lvl 15
Known Moves-Poison Sting, Absorb, Growth, Leech seed

Rubble Patches:

Gemectric (AnyTime), lvl 15
Known Moves: Take Down, Rock BLast, Spark, Rock Throw

Rockador(AnyTime) lvl 15
Known Moves: Bulk up, Bone Crusher,Iron Arm, Rock throw

Nosepass(AnyTime, Rare) lvl 15
Known Moves:Rock throw, Harden, Block, Thuder wave.

Just walk up and navigate the paths. You wil eventually get to Substation Ville.

Brown Version

Route South:

Route South is shallow path down. Its rather wet here, with lots of puddles (such as from Gen V). There are Ampharos Walking around here, and they seem to be monitaring the static in the air. Aside from the Puddle patches there are also grass patches. There are no trainers here and its a straight line. The Following are Pokemon that can be found here.

Grass Patches:

Voltactus(Morning and Afternoon Only) lvl 15
Known Moves- Pin Missle, Absorb, spark, Ingrain

Bellsprout(Anytime. more common durinf morning) lvl 15
Known Moves-Poison Powder, SleepPowder, Growth, Vine Whip

Mareep(AnyTime) Lvl 15
Known Moves- Growl/Cotton Spore, Charge, Thunder Wave, Thundershock

Gemectric (AnyTime), lvl 15
Known Moves: Take Down, Rock BLast, Spark, Rock Throw

Nosepass(AnyTime, Rare) lvl 15
Known Moves:Rock throw, Harden, Block, Thuder wave.

Puddle Patches:

Tympole(Anytime) lvl 15
Known Moves: Bubble, BubbleBeam, Round, Supersonic

Just walk down and navigate the path. You will eventually reach Junction Ranch.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:33 am
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My name is ChillBill :D.
It's good to see there's a selection of Pokemon already. Just don't overdo it.

The chill of death, the heart of a metalhead. A lone rebel.
I'm a competitive battler, ask me if you have any questions on competitive battling or want advice on Ubers teambuilding.
Credit to DragoBoy for the banner!
The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed!

Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:12 am
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@ChillBill: WHOOOOOOOOOPS! Sorry about that. I am trying to not go to overboard with all the Pokemon, I have a basic idea of what other Pokemon I want to include.



Substation Ville:

As you exit Route North, you will see the main building in Substation Ville, the power plant. Its a large gray building with a few main lines coming in, and many powerlines coming out. There is a person standing in front of the door.

Person in front of door to power plant: Sorry, please comeback later for a tour.

I know your dissapointed that yu dont ge to see the power plant right now, but continue on into the middle of the ville. To your left, is moutain stair case going up. TO your right is a building that leads to Route 600. There is a person standing in front of the building.

Person in front of building: Sorry, some fallout has gotte loose from radiation feild. It's very unsafe right now. PLease come back later

Head to the Pokemon Center (near the middle of the ville). There will be one person to talk to.

POkecenter dude: Substation Ville handles all the electricty for the whole of the island, from all the major power stations.

Heal your Pokemon and head on out. There are 3 building in Substation Ville. One is a large apartment, the other 2 are small one floor houses. enter house number one.

Substation Ville: House #1:

Enter the house and youll see a little girl. walk up and talk to her.

Little Girl: Do you have an electric Pokemon?

If you dont have an Electric Pokemon:

If you do:
YAY! This is for you

You get the TM for ThunderShock.

Little Girl: use it on an electric type!

Head on back out to Substation Ville. The 2nd house is the to the right of the 1st.

Substation Ville: House #2:

Enter the house and there are two people. One is a man Sitting on a couch.

Man on couch: ZZZZZZzzzzzz

There is a lady in the kitchen.

Lady in kitchen: Please be quite. My husband just got of shift work at the power plant.

Head back out. Go to the apartment, Which is closest to the mountain stair case.

Substation Ville: Apartment, Floor 1:

This is the lobby. There is only a receptionist behind the counter.


Go to the elevator. There are 3 foors you can go to. 2nd, 5th and 8th floor. Choose the 2nd.

Subtation Ville: Apartment, 2nd floor:

On this floor there is a lone man in the center of the floor.

Lone man: MHM! Your Pokemon looks to be very freiendly towards to! Here, This is to make your POkemon Stronger.

Depending who your starter is, youll either get, Charcoal, Miricle seed, or Mystic water. Head back to the Elevator and choose floor 5..

Substation Ville: Aprartment, 5th floor:

On this floor is a little girl chassing a Mareep.

Mareep: BAAAA!


There is also the little girls father.

Father: Isn't that cute. MY little girl really likes Mareep.

Go back to the elevator and go to the 8th floor.

Substation Ville: Apartement, 8th floor[/i]

On this floor you wont see much, it is just an empty room. There is a peice of paper on the desk. Examine it.

Peice of paper on desk: Power station. 10.

Head back to the elevator and to the first floor. Head on out and get ready to go up the stairs. When your ready go up the stairs to Glacial Run.

Brown Version

Junction Ranch:

The main bulding in this area is the power plant. It looks to be a larn barn type building. You can't enter it at the moment. Talking to the guy at the fron door will give this message.

Guy at door: Sorry Sonny. No Tours right now. Come back later ya'hear.

The ranch isn that big, all there is, is a Pokecenter, and a rather large ranch house. There are two paths. the one of the left is currently blocked by a person.

Person blocking the left path: GIANT MUSHROOMS! HUGE! SO MANY!

....Ok, ignore the person with the Mushroom Phobia. The path to your right takes you to an Icy enterance to an underground type enterance. Head to the Pokecenter which is at the spot were the roads split. There will be a person to talk to in the Pokecenter.

Dude IN Pokecenter: Yep, thats right. We use electricty here. Its just a small amount though. And we use only renewable sources.

Heal your Pokemon and head to the big ranch house.

Junction Ranch: Big ranch house: floor 1:

On this floor there is a little girl and a woman. Talk to both.

Little Girl I want to see a Pokemon that goes "Zap Zap".

If you dont have an electric type Pokemon:
No Zap zap...

If you do:

You get the Tm for Thundershock.


Go talk to the lady.

Lady: Not many people live here, but we also dont need that many people to run the power station.

There's a flight of stairs. Head on up to floor 2

Junction Ranch: Big Ranch House: Floor 2:

On this floor is a couple of Pickachu. Talk to the one in the middle.

Little boy dressed as a Pickachu: PICKA PICKA PICKA CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!

Talking to the other Pickachu: ......"Picka?" The Pickachu seems confused.

Go up to floor three.

Junction Ranch: Big Ranch House: Floor 3:

On this floor there looks to be a family.

Dad: Oh! Your on an adventure with your Pokemon are you? Maybe this will help you!

Depending on your starter you will get either th charcoal, miracle seed or Mystic water.

Mom: AWe, what cute Pokemon!

Little boy: When I get older I want to go on my own Pokemon journey!

Head back down and out of the ranch house. Go to the left and down the enterance to Icey Narrow.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:35 am
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Whoa, whoa, whoa. No mysterious message in the ranch?

The chill of death, the heart of a metalhead. A lone rebel.
I'm a competitive battler, ask me if you have any questions on competitive battling or want advice on Ubers teambuilding.
Credit to DragoBoy for the banner!
The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed!

Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:56 am
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@Chillbill- The peice of paper with writing is just that. There is no mysterious meaning behind it. OR IS THERE? "DUH DUH DUHHHHHHH!

Oh look, more walkthrough!


Glacial Run: Area 1:

Welcome to Glacial Run. This is the main source of all the fresh water for the Island. As such you will run into a lot of "water drillers". Glacial Run is seperated into 3 areas. The first area, has a little bit of snow, Lots of slippery ice, and ice covered rocks. The pokemon you will run into are(the Pokemon list will be for all 3 area's):

ChillBull(Common), lvl 15-18
Known Moves- Frost Breath, Take Down, Haze, Horn Attack

Icogre(Rare, More Common during a snowstorm), lvl 15-18
Known Moves, Rock Throw, Ice Punch, Rock Polish, take Down

Sneasel(Uncommon, More Common at night), lvl 15-18
Known Moves-Quick Attack, Icy Wind, Faint Attack, Fury swipes/Tuant

Snorunt(Uncommon), lvl 15-18
Known Moves-Powder Snow, Double Team, Bite, Icy Wind

IcyRabbit(Common), lvl 15-18
Known Moves- Bite, Defense Curl, Icy Wind, Iclcle Spear

Chemisnow(special), lvl 15-18
Known Moves- Sludge, Icy Wind, Acid Armour, Double Slap

Vanillite(Common), lvl 15-18
Known Moves-Harden, Astonish, Icy Wind, Uproar

Cryogonal(Uncommon), lvl 15-18
Known Moves-Bind/ Icy Wind, Ice Shard, Sharpen, Rapid Spin

As you walk around you will see snowmen. The only way to find a Chemisnow is to examine a Snowman. The best way to tell if a Snowman is a Chemisnow, is if the snowman is wearing a purple scarf. As you walk along thhis straight path, you will run into a few Ice patches. Very simple to navigate, so no explanation is needed. After your first Ice patch, you will face your first Trainer.

Hiker: C..Ccccccccc.....COOOOOOLD!

He Will have a lvl 15 Geodude(Mudsport, Rock throw, Rock Polish, Magnitude)

Win Phrase:

Lose Phrase:

Continue on, you will pass a set of three Snowman, None of which are a Chemisnow. Examing will result in the following message:

Oh! What a Nice looking snow man

That message will appear everytime you examine a snowman that isnt a Chemisnow. Continue on past these snowman, walking on small layer of snow(walking in snow is were you will find Pokemon), making crunching sounds. You will come across another icy patch, on the other side another trainer.

Water Driller: There is alot of water stored in this here Glacial. My job is to get it out!

He Will have a lvl 16 Tikewoon (Bulk up, Boulder Lift, Low Kick, Karate Chop) and a lvl 16 ChillBull.(Frost Breath, Take Down, Haze, Horn Attack)

Win Phrase:
Haha, See that?

Lose Phrase:
Oops, I hit a hard patch

Continue on past Him, Here you will come to a large patch of snow. Not enough to make you sink and walk, you can still run here. Continue in a northerly Direction. YOu will eventually come across a large out crop of boulders. There will be a sligh Opening. Go on in to Area 2 of Glacial Run.


Icey Narrow: Area 1:

Welcome to Icey Narrow. YOu will notice, YOU ARE UNDERNEAITH A GLACIER! However, light still seems to seep through, so trees go here. Snow Storms Still appear here. There are a few Icy patches and snow that will crunch as you walk on it. Now for the Pokemon you will find in Icey Narrow (all areas)

ChillBull(Common), lvl 15-18
Known Moves- Frost Breath, Take Down, Haze, Horn Attack

Icogre(Rare, More Common during a snowstorm), lvl 15-18
Known Moves, Rock Throw, Ice Punch, Rock Polish, take Down

Snover(Uncommon, More Common in Afternoon), lvl 15-18
Known Moves-Powder Snow, Razor Leaf, Icy Wind, Grass Whistle/Swagger

Snorunt(Uncommon), lvl 15-18
Known Moves-Powder Snow, Double Team, Bite, Icy Wind

IcyRabbit(Common), lvl 15-18
Known Moves- Bite, Defense Curl, Icy Wind, Iclcle Spear

Freezoach(special), lvl 15-18
Known Moves- Bug bite, Icy Wind, Molt,Dig

Vanillite(Common), lvl 15-18
Known Moves-Harden, Astonish, Icy Wind, Uproar

Cubchoo(Uncommon), lvl 15-18
Known Moves-Powder Snow, Bide, Growl/Fury swipes, Icy Wind

You will notice that the trees are covered in snow. Some will be covered in Ice. Trees covered in ICe house the Pokemon Freezoach. Simply walk up to them and press "A". As you will walk along, you will find your first Ice patch. Navigate it to battle a Pokemon ranger on the other side.

Pokemon ranger: This is a very fragile ecosystem. I need to see if you're gonna endanger it!

He Will have a lvl 15 Snover (Powder Snow, Razor Leaf, Icy Wind, Grass Whistle) and a lvl 15 Icyrabbit (Bite, Defense Curl, Icy Wind, Iclcle Spear).

Win Phrase:

Lose Phrase:
Hmm, nope, your dont pose a threat to nature.

Continue on ahead (in a southerly direction) You will notice beams of light bouncing of the snow and ice. The scene is very peaceful here. You will come up to Icy patch #2. Again naviagte to battle a trainer on the other side. Which happens to be a little kid, that is WAAAAAAAAY to bundled up.

Kid whose mom went overkill with the Winter apperal: mmmhmhmhmhmhmhmhfffffff![i]

He will have a lvl 15 Chubchoo(Powder Snow, Bide, Growl, Icy Wind) and a lvl 15 Snorunt(Powder Snow, Double Team, Bite, Icy Wind).

Win Phrase"

Lose Phrase:

After winning againt the kid, continue on until you come across a line of trees with a hole in them. Go through the hole to go to Area 2.

And as usual, I'll be taking a break on the weekend and will post the next section on Monday. Everyone have a good weekend now!

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:18 am
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Nice!!! :)
~What about a fiery zone, like a volcano or something? There is no area for fire Pokemon in any classic pokemon games (without magma hideout), and I'm sure they really deserve it. :)

Thanks DragoBoy for this awesome sig and Mektar for the astonishing avatar!!!

Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:53 pm
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GhostPony750 wrote:
Nice!!! :)
~What about a fiery zone, like a volcano or something? There is no area for fire Pokemon in any classic pokemon games (without magma hideout), and I'm sure they really deserve it. :)

is there not a volcano/fire section in RSE?

I don't use "uber" Pokemon, I don't calculate stat values, I don't use cheating devices, I don't breed my way to perfection, and I don't care about natures.
I catch my Pokemon the way they are, and treat them like individuals instead of brainless drones.
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Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:51 am
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CrazyRazey wrote:
GhostPony750 wrote:
Nice!!! :)
~What about a fiery zone, like a volcano or something? There is no area for fire Pokemon in any classic pokemon games (without magma hideout), and I'm sure they really deserve it. :)

is there not a volcano/fire section in RSE?

Yes, Magma Hideout, and the volcano with no grass patch, so no Pokemon.
I'd just like another one :)

Thanks DragoBoy for this awesome sig and Mektar for the astonishing avatar!!!

Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:15 am
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RSE has Fiery Path, too.
The snowmen and ice trees are nice niches. Well done.

The chill of death, the heart of a metalhead. A lone rebel.
I'm a competitive battler, ask me if you have any questions on competitive battling or want advice on Ubers teambuilding.
Credit to DragoBoy for the banner!
The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed!

Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:12 am
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HAPPY MONDAY! Hope everyone had a Good Weekend.

@GhostPony: You never knowwwwwwww!

@ChillBill: Glad you like the idea of the snowmen and the trees!



Glacial Run: Area 2:

This part of Glacial run is more prone to snowstorms than the first area. As such there is more snow here. Will will notice that you are sort of in a snow filled river bed, since there are rock walls on either side of you. The path is straight with a few turns. You will be unable to run here, because the snow is so deep. You will be going up hills and down into divets. There is a small chance to end up in a wild double battle here. When you first enter the Area you will see a Freeze heal. YOu will also run into random items in the snow (Randome Pokeballs, revives, Heal items, status items, Icy rocks, and rare candy).

Just simply walk along following the path. YOu will run into a few trainers along the way.

Hiker: Ohohoho! You look strong!

He will have a lvl 16 Icorge( Rock Throw, Ice Punch, Rock Polish, take Down).

Win Phrase:
Not strong enough though!

Lose Phrase:
Ohohoho, you are strong!

Water Driller: Gotta get that Ice!

He will have a lvl 16 Tikewoon(Bulk up, Boulder Lift, Low Kick, Karate Chop) and a lvl 16 ChillBull(Frost Breath, Take Down, Haze, Horn Attack).

Win Phrase:

Lose Phrase:
Dang, a dry well.

Little Kid #1: I made a snowman!
Little Kid #2: Mine Snowman is better!

They will both send out a lvl 16 Chemisnow(Sludge, Icy Wind, Acid Armour, Double Slap).

Win Phrase:
Little Kid #1: See! My snowman is strong!
Little Kid #2: My snowman is stronger

Lose Phrase:
Little Kid #1: NO! MR. SNOWMAN!
Little Kid #2: WAAA! HE MELTED!

Ice Climber(male): Oh yeah! This is a challenge!

He will have a lvl 16 Chillbull, a lvl 16 snorunt(Powder Snow, Double Team, Bite, Icy Wind), and a lvl 16 Icyrabbit(Bite, Defense Curl, Icy Wind, Iclcle Spear).

Win Phrase:
Oh yeah! I conqured it!

Lose Phrase:
Couldnt get a grip!

Ice Climber(female): The cold helps me keep fit. Wanna see?

She will have a lvl 16 Snover(Powder Snow, Razor Leaf, Icy Wind, Grass Whistle) and 2 lvl 16 Icyrabbits/

Win Phrase:
Didnt I tell you it keeps me fit?

Lose Phrase:

Bundled up little kid: EEP!

He will have a lvl 16 Sneasel(Quick Attack, Icy Wind, Faint Attack, Fury swipes) and a lvl 16 Chemisnow.

Win Phrase:

Lose Phrase:
I can move....

Veteran(female): Hm, you lack experiance. Here let me show you some experiance in battle.

She will have a lvl 16 Chemisnow, lvl 16 Freezoach(Bug bite, Icy Wind, Molt,Dig), a lvl 16 Snorunt, a lvl 16 Vanilite (Harden, Astonish, Icy Wind, Uproar) and a lvl 18 Cubchoo(Powder Snow, Bide,Fury swipes, Icy Wind).

After beating all the trainers, you will come across a small hill that takes you out of the "river bed" and onto Area 3.


Icey Narrow: Area 2:

Area 2 of Icey narrow will be a bit more prone to snowstorms than the first area. There are large pillars of Ice, that the light bounces off of. There is a lot of deep snow here, and you wont be able to run. There are less tree's here than the first area. You will need to walk around with the pillars, so even though the path is straight you will be snaking a lot. Essentially, just head straight and battle any trainers you bump into. There will be a freeze heal at the begining and various item hidden in the snow(Randome Pokeballs, revives, Heal items, status items, Icy rocks, and rare candy).

Hiker: Wow. Isnt it just so Beautiful here?

He will have a lvl 16 Icorge( Rock Throw, Ice Punch, Rock Polish, take Down).

Win Phrase:
It is awe inspiring, isnt it?

Lose Phrase:
Maybe i Should have focused moer on the battle...

Black belt: Fighting off the cold here will make me and my Pokemon Stronger!

He will have a lvl 16 Tikewoon(Bulk up, Boulder Lift, Low Kick, Karate Chop) and a lvl 16 ChillBull(Frost Breath, Take Down, Haze, Horn Attack).

Win Phrase:

Lose Phrase:
ACHOO!....I think im sick

Little Kid #2: LOOK! LOOK! A BUG!

They will both send out a lvl 16 Freezoach (Bug bite, Icy Wind, Molt,Dig).

Win Phrase:
Little Kid #1: Bug types are cool!
Little Kid #2: Yay! GO! GO!]/i]

Lose Phrase:
Little Kid #1: [i]NO, MR BUG!

Little Kid #2: YOU SQUISHED HIM!!

Ice Climber(male): Oh yeah! This is a challenge!

He will have a lvl 16 Chillbull, a lvl 16 snorunt(Powder Snow, Double Team, Bite, Icy Wind), and a lvl 16 Icyrabbit(Bite, Defense Curl, Icy Wind, Iclcle Spear).

Win Phrase:
Oh yeah! I conqured it!

Lose Phrase:
Couldnt get a grip!

Ice Climber(female): The cold helps me keep fit. Wanna see?

She will have a lvl 16 Sneasel (Quick Attack, Icy Wind, Faint Attack, Fury swipes) and 2 lvl 16 Icyrabbits.

Win Phrase:
Didnt I tell you it keeps me fit?

Lose Phrase:

Bundled up little kid: EEP!

He will have a lvl 16 Snover(Powder Snow, Razor Leaf, Icy Wind, Grass Whistle) and a lvl 16 Freezoach.

Win Phrase:

Lose Phrase:
I cant move....

Veteran(male): Hm, you lack experiance. Here let me show you some experiance in battle.

She will have a lvl 16 Chemisnow(Sludge, Icy Wind, Acid Armour, Double Slap), lvl 16 Freezoach, a lvl 16 Snorunt, a lvl 16 Vanilite (Harden, Astonish, Icy Wind, Uproar) and a lvl 18 Cryogonal(Icy Wind, Ice Shard, Sharpen, Rapid Spin).

As you near the exit, you wil notice a cave with many ice Pillars that look like prison bars. As you approach/ walk past you hear what seems to be a roar and feirce wind will blow. The message "Its too windy, cant go any further!" will appear if you try to get close to it. Continue to the exit, which is a path way between 2 large thick Ice Pillars.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:37 am
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Wow, these are lots of trainers.
Is there a specific reason why there isn't a non-accesible area in Glacial Run?

The chill of death, the heart of a metalhead. A lone rebel.
I'm a competitive battler, ask me if you have any questions on competitive battling or want advice on Ubers teambuilding.
Credit to DragoBoy for the banner!
The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed!

Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:20 pm
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@Chillbill- There is a reason. I don't wanna say too much without spoiling, but I will say that later in the game, it will become accesible.

Now for today's portion!


Glacial Run; Area 3:

This is a rather short area, there is a little bit of snow and a lot of snowmen. There are only little kids building Snowmen. Talking to one will result in:

Little kids buildinf snowmen: WE ARE MAKING A SNOWmAN ARMY!! YAAAY!

Again, any snowman with a purple scarf is a Chemisnow. Also this area doesnt get snowstorms that often. The snowmen make a maze, so just navigate your way through. Near the exit you will have a double battle.


The will each have a lvl 19 Chemisnow.

Win Phrase:


Lose Phrase:

Little Kid #1: WAAAAAAAAAAA!
Little Kid #2: YOU BIG MEANIE!

After deafeting those two, walk into Glacail Resort.


Icy Narrow: Area 3:

A short area compared to the last. There is little snow, and many trees arranged in a maze like fashion. There are only Bug lovers?? here. Talking to one will result in:

Bug hunters: I know it weird for a bug hunter to be where there is snow, but theres a rare bug type here! I MUST HAVE IT!

Rememebr, Trees covered by ice will have Freezoach. Also, Snow storms are less frequent here. Since this is a maze, just navigate it to the exit. You will be challeneged by 2 Bug lovers.

Bug hunter Male: GO! MY AWESOME BUG!
Bug Hunter Female: My bug glistens like a diamond, and its just as tough!

They will both have a lvl 19 Freezoach.

Win Phrase:

Bug Hunter Female: See? Just as tough.

Lose Phrase:

Bug hunter male: OH NO! MY BUG!
Bug Hunter female: It still glistens like a diamond though....

After your Win continue to Snowville.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:50 am
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Glacial Resort:

The 2nd gym is here in Glacial Resort. This is a Ski resort town, so you will see a lot of skiers and snowboarders. First building you will come across is the Poke center. Head on in to heal your Pokemon. Talk to the person in the loungue.

Skier in the Pokecenter: Brrrrrr. It's cold. Carefull out there. Your Pokemon May get Frozen!

After talking to that person and healing your Pokemon head back out. YOu will notice that there are 3 Log cabins and a large Resort building that doubles as the gym.

Head over to building #1 which is to the left and up of the Pokemon center.

Glacial Resort: Log Cabin #1:

The inside of the Cabin is very plain like. There is a Large Fire Place in the middle, with a kitchen to the right and a bed to the left. Talk to the lone occupant of the Cabin.

Snowboarder: Hey dude, isnt this place great? The snow here is just right. Your not gonna see a lot of tech here, cause of everyone is gonna be to busy on the snow!

Head out and go to Cabin #2. It is to the right of Cabin #1 and is behind the Pokecenter.

Glacial Resort: Log Cabin #2:

Same layout as Cabin #1. Here is a Family on vacation.

Dad: This is nice. The family is together for once.

Mom: Since we've been here, I havent heard the kids argue, Not even once!

Little Boy: The Snow is soo much fun! I wanna build a giant snowman!


Head back out to go to Cabin #3, it is north of Cabin 1 and 2.

Glacial Resort: Log Cabin #3:

Here there seems to be an elderly gentleman.

Elderly gentleman: Why isnt this nice, a young wipper snapper like yourself took time to come see me! Here take this as my appreiation!


Elderly gentleman: You plan on challenging the gym right? The gym here uses Ice type Pokemon, so that move should give you an edge!

Head out and over to the Gym/ resort building. It is located to the right of all the other buildings.

Glacial Resort Gym:

Type: Ice

Leader: Champion Skier Mia

Bob is waiting for you.

Bob: HI THERE! Mia is the leader of Glacial Resort's Gym. She is a champion skier and uses ice type Pokemon! Grass and flying will be frozen solid, But fire can melt them into puddles. Beware of Freezing, so here!


The Enterance to the gym is on the second floor. Talk to the 3 people on the first floor if you so choose.

Skier male: Whoooa, the trails here are awesome!]

Snowboarder Female: This is actully my first time snowboarding.....Ive fallen down alot.

Skier male: I hurt myself on the bunny trail...

Head up the stairs on either end of the resort to the balcony on the second floor. Enter the Opening to take on the gym!

2nd floor: Glacial Resort gym:

Here in the 2nd gym you will face 4 gyms before the leader. The gym's floor is rather icey. To get to the first trainer, walk straight onto the ice and slide forwards to a set of two rocks. You will only be able to slide to to the right. Here you will face trainer #1.

Snowboarder Female: Oh yay! Were gonna have some downhill fun!

She will have a lvl 19 Sneasel(Fury Swipe, Icy Wind, Faint attack, Quick Attack).

Win Phrase:
Yeaaaaaaaaah! Gold medal!

Lose phrase:
Nooooooo! Didnt Finish!

Walk down a bit, so you can slide to the left and past the two rocks before. You will get to face trainer #2 now.

Skier male: Swish Swish Swish!

He Will have a lvl 19 Sneasel as well.

Win Phrase:

Lose Phrase:

Slide to the left, then up.You will come cornered to another rock. Slide to the right to a free patch. Walk down a step then slide to righ to trainer 3.

Ski patrol(male): WHOA WHOA! This slope may be too dangerous for you!

He will have a lvl 19 Chillbull (Frost Breath, Take Down, Haze, Horn Attack) and a lvl 19 Snorunt (Double Team, Headbutt, Icy Wind,Powder Snow).

Win Phrase:
You'd better turn back and try the bunny hill first.

Lose Phrase:
Hmm, nope youll be fine.

Walk down a step then slide left to face the final Trainer before Mia.

Ski patrol(female): You have to be in top shape to face our leader.

She will have 3 lvl 19 Sneasels.

Win Phrase:
Sorry, but im gonna have to turn you away.

Lose Phrase:
WOW! Looks like your ready to take on the toughest slopes!

Head to your left for your face off with Mia!

Mia: WHY HELLO! You came all the way up here to face me huh? That must have been rough on you and your pokemon! By the looks of it you and your Pokemon Managed just fine! I can still see the Fire in your eyes that kept you warm through the cold! As Gym leader, its my job to see how Hot you burn! But dont be surprised if I snuff it ouy with an Avalanche!

Go to a cut scene where we see Mia do some fancy sking down a hill. When she passes the finish line at the bottom, she throws out a Pokeball as she goes to stop. Get ready cause thing are about to get Chilly!

Mia's Pokes:

Lvl 19 Sneasel (Fury Swipe, Icy Wind, Faint attack, Quick Attack)

lvl 19 Snorunt (Double team, Bite, Icy Wind, Headbutt)

lvl 21 ChillBull (Frost breath, Take Down, Polar shift,Glare)

Pretty straight forward, Mia will start with Sneasel and work her way up to Chillbull. Chillbull will be holding a sitrus berry. Watch out for Polar shift and Glare. Chillbull will use Glare on the first turn. If you get paralyzed, youll get hit with Polar Shift, which will lower ALL your stats by 1 stage, while increasing its attack and sp. att by one! Then it's either Take down or frost breath. Try to take ChillBull out Fast, or else the fight might be tough.

Win Phrase:
[i]Looks like your Fire didnt burn hot enough. Dont feel bad though, it takes time to get your Fire really burning.

Lose Phrase:
WHOA! There was nothing I could do! That Fire of yours. And the Fire of your Pokemon. You might be young, but your Fire burns intentsly!

After beating Mia you will get the Downhill Badge!

Mia: That's the DownHill badge! All Pokemon up to lvl 30 will Listen to you now. Even ones got through a trade. HERE! Take this too!


Mia: That Contains Polar shift. It lowers your opponets stats while increaseing your own. It also can make it hail if its raining!

The lights in the gym start to flicker. And Mia gets a call.

Mia: Oh Hi Rick! Yes, I did not notice the power flicker here. Hm? What? Yes he's here. Oh! Okay got ya!

Mia talks to you now.

Mia: That was Rick, there seems to be something up with the power. Can you check out the Power Station for us Pleaaaase? Here Ill also register me and Rick in your PokeBerry.


Head back to Substation Ville.



WELCOME TO SNOWVILLE! The Village thats Literally UNDERNEATH A GLACIAL! The Pokemon Center is the first thing youll see. Go on in and get your Pokemon healed up. You will see on person in here.

Person in Pokemon Center: this really safe? Having a town UNDER a glacial??

They make a good point.....Try not to think about the Ice over your head as you head back out. There wil be 2 Houses and then the Gym. House # 1 is to the left of the Pokemon center.

SnowVille: House #1:

The house is small, There is a Fireplace, kitchen and Bedroom. Talk to the Owner of the House.

Old man: Yes its scrary having all that ice Above our heads. But years ago, the founders of SnowVill used this to craft the Ice to make sure it would never fall.


Old man: That should also come in handy for taking on our gym leader.

Head back out and go to house #2. Its located to the upper left of house #2.

Snowville: House #2:

Here is a couple here. The lady of the house is in front of the fire place, while her man makes dinner.

Lady: *sigh* I kept getting lost in glacial run. Now my feet are all cold

Dude in Kitchen:She does realize im a lousy cook right?

Head on out and go to House #3. It is the closest house to the Gym.

Snowville: HOuse #3:

There is only a little cubchoo here.

Cubchoo: *stares at you* Choo?

Head on out and go to the Gym

Snowville Gym:

Leader- Sauna Joe

Type- Ice

The Gym here is a Sauna. Bob will be waiting for you.

Bob: HI THERE TRAINER! Even though this gym doubles as a sauna, the leader here uses Ice types. Grass and flying types will be frozen. But Fire types can put the melt on them! Here take this and watch out for Freeze!


Head on to the stairs that head down. YOu will be stopped by two people on either side of the stairs.

Person #1: Hold your horses there trainer. YOu cant go down looking like that!

Person #2: Thats right! we have a strick dress code for the sauna! Here, change into this.

If your playing as a guy, you will have a long towel around your waist. If your playing the gril, Youll be wearing a one peice bathing suit, and a long towl around your waist (Sorry, guys the game is rated E. HEY! no long drawn out "AWEEEEEEEE"). Now that your wearing dress code head down to the gym!

Basement Gym Suana:

Down here, you will notice that the paths are ice, that lead to hot pools of water. Walk straight ahead and slide into pool #1 for trainer #1.


She will have a lvl 19 Snover (NOTE! All Snover you face here will have there DW ability!)(Razor leaf, Grasswhistle, Icy Wind, Swagger)

Win Phrase:

Lose Phrase:
oooh, your here to challenge Joe. HEHE! Silly me.

Head to your right and slide to a second pool. Head up 2 steps and then slide to the left past pool 1 and into pool 3 for battle #2.

Dude in Suana Pool: Alright! Lets get steamed up with a pokemon battle!

He will challenge you with a lvl 19 snorunt!(Double team, Bite, Icy Wind, Headbutt).

Win Phrase:

Lose Phrase:

Slide down to a free space and walk to to the left, you will be challened by trainer #3.


He will have a lvl 19 Snorunt and a lvl 19 snover.

Win Phrase:
mhm mhm

Lose Phrase:
Oh my

Walk up past the hiker to the next ice path, it will slide you to pool 4 and your last battle before Joe.


The little kid will have a lvl 19 snover, and 2 lvl 19 snorunt.

Win Phrase:

Lose phrase:

Walk forward to a path that takes you to a wooden steam room, and Sauna Joe.

Joe: Hm? Oh, Hi there. Did you come for a nice warm steam up? Hmm, wait a sec.....your eyes. Your here for a gym battle, huh? Well then, guess I should get my act in gear then huh? Let's see just how good you are and how stong YOUR flame is compared to mine.

CUT SCENE! YOu will see a hand/ arm poor some water onto a bed of warm coals, follwed by a Dude with blonde hair and a towel stand up. He will add another spoon of water, then throw out a Pokeball!

Joe's Pokes:

lvl 19 Snover(Razor leaf, Grasswhistle, Icy Wind, Swagger)

lvl 19 Snorunt (Double team, Bite, Icy Wind, Headbutt)

lvl 21 ChillBull (Frost breath, Take Down, Polar shift,Glare)

Joe will start with Snover and work his way up to ChillBull.Chillbull will be holding a sitrus berry. Watch out for Polar shift and Glare. Chillbull will use Glare on the first turn. If you get paralyzed, youll get hit with Polar Shift, which will lower ALL your stats by 1 stage, while increasing its attack and sp. att by one! Then it's either Take down or frost breath. Try to take ChillBull out Fast, or else the fight might be tough.

Win Phrase:
[i] Well, looks like you have to work your flame a bit more to challenge me again

Lose Phrase:
PHEW! What a sweat. I was right, that look in your eyes. Congratualtions!

After beating Joe you will get the Downhill(?) Badge.

Joe: I know the badge doesnt match the Gym, But thats the badge! Pokemon up to lvl 30 will now obey you even in a trade.

The lights will flicker. Joe will then get a call.

Joe: Yeah? mhm, yeah they are here too. Mhm, mhm, ok

Joe will then look at you.

Joe: Here let me register me and Sam in your Pokeberry.


Joe: Mind headin back to Junction ranch? Sam thinks there might be something wrong.

Well, head on back to Junction ranch.

**EDIT: Sorry about that Chill. Seemed liked whenever I used a bug type, ice type moves would be super effective. As for the Snover Issue, there is a note when you face the first Snover, that all Snover's faced in the gym will have it's DW ability.**

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Last edited by GofD on Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:49 am
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I don't like the girls' dress code. Period.
A few things about the Gyms. Firstly, did you make Bug weak to Ice in your changes? 'Cos normally it isn't.
Secondly, it would be fair if both leaders got Snover and switched between another Pokemon, since summoning Hail gives an edge.
Other than these, you're fine. Keep up the good work.

The chill of death, the heart of a metalhead. A lone rebel.
I'm a competitive battler, ask me if you have any questions on competitive battling or want advice on Ubers teambuilding.
Credit to DragoBoy for the banner!
The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed!

Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:29 am
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@ChilBill- I made an edit in my last post that should address 2 of your concerns. As for the dress code, LOOK A PENGUIN! *runs off*.

Now for today's Post(ALSO Happy Valentine's day!)


Substation Ville: part two:

Welcome back to substation Ville annd....OH NOES TEAM DRYAD HAS TAKEN OVER! PANIC PANIC PANCI! Your Pokeberry rings.

Rick: (insert name here) So? ....... TEAM DRYAD HAS TAKEN OVER THE TOWN? This isn't good! Dont do anything rash till I get there!

Dont do anything rash? Ok Np....lets just take on Team Dryad ourselves. Thats not rash. You'll notice a lone Grunt doing a partol.

Grunt on Patrol: HEY! Your out during the curfew!

He will have a lvl 20 FlameBud (Ember, Stun Spore, Razor leaf, Burn Powder) and a lvl 20 Rufflet (Fury Attack, Wing Attack, Hone Claws, Scary Face).

Win Phrase:

You will be escorted back.

Lose Phrase:

OH NO! I cant let you near the Power Plant!

He Will run off. Continue to the power plant. You will be stopped by another Grunt Before you try to enter the Power Plant.

Grunt blocking you: You will not pass!

He will have a lvl 20 Flaffy(Take Down, Charge, Cotton Spore, Thunder Shock) and a lvl 20 FlameBud.

Win Phrase:

You wont stop us this time Kid!

Lose phrase:

You will never stop team Dryad!

The Grunt will inside after you beat him. Follow him in to the Power plant.

Substation Ville: Power Plant: Main Floor:

The Power plant has two floors. The Main floor is where all the heavy eqipment is. The second floor is where all the offices and CEO's are located. The stairs to go up are at the other end. The Path to them is a maze. At the dead ends you will find items. Items to be found are (in order):

Paralyze Heal
Super Potion
Great Ball
The Tm for Thunder Wave

You will have 5 battles as you navigate the maze. The Final Battle will be a double battle.


He will have a lvl 20 FlameBud and a lvl 20 Voltactus (Revenge seed,absorb, Thunder shock, Ingrain)

Win Phrase:


Lose Phrase:

Whaa? But...

Grunt #2: You will not stop our plans bucko!

He will have a lvl 20 Flaffy and a lvl 20 Voltactus.

Win Phrase:

Turn around and head home. Yer bothering us.

Lose Phrase:

Well Ill be...Your rather strong.

Grunt #3: Ya shall not get passed me ya annoying pest!

He will have a lvl 20 Flaffy, a lvl 20 Voltacus and a lvl 20 Pickachu (Tail Whip, Thunder wave, Quick Attack, Electro Ball)

Win Phrase:

Thats whats happening to annoying pests. They get squished.

Lose Phrase:

Y'are mighty annoying.

Grunt #4: Ya done for kid.

He will have 2 lvl 20 FlameBuds and a Voltactus.

Win Phrase:

Ya done here kid.[i]

Lose Phrase:

[i] Correction, Im done.

Sr. Rank member #1: You will not be going upstairs.
Sr. Rank member #2: You are a rather troublesome youngster

The first will have a lvl 20 FlameBud and lvl 20 voltactus. The second will have a lvl 20 Flaffy and a lvl 20 Pickachu.

Win Phrase:

Sr.Rank Member #1: You will not be bothering us anymore.
Sr.Rank Member #2: You are not experianced enough to beat us.

Lose Phrase:

Sr.Rank Member #1: But how?
Sr.Rank Member #2: ..Maybe you are.

Head on upstairs.

Substation Ville: Power Plant: Second Floor:

As you get to the second floor you will hear (Aka, see) people talking.

Power Plant CEO: You cant cut the power!

???: LISTEN HERE YOU! All this fandangled Technology is making you weak! Look! yer cowering in the corner and im not even near you!

Power Plant CEO: That is ridiculous! If you turn of the power, youll be hurting People and Pokemon! The Hospital's and Pokemon Centers will have no power!

???: SHUT IT! Were cutting the power. You people are weak due to your reliance on Technology. You go to the Hospital when you have the little sniffles. YOU KNOW WHAT THE CURE FOR THAT IS! HARD WORK! HARD WORK WILL MAKE YER STRONG!

Your Finally noticed.

???: Well, well, well. What do we have here?

Your moved forward a bit by two grunts that come up behind you. You notice that there are several grunts, and the CEO is behind his desk with a grunt on either side. The ring leader of the operation is in front of the desk.

???: Yer have been causing use a mighty bit of trouble, whipper snapper. YOur too young to understand this, But all this technology you see, is making yer heart weak. Not only that, but yer Pokemon's as well.

The person comes closer.

???: I think it be about time someone puts you in your place and makes you understand just how weak ye is. Mr. Nature is gonna set you straight!

The usually "big battle music wil play". Its time to take on Mr. nature!

Mr. Nature's Poke's

Lvl 22 Flamebud-(Ember, Stun Spore, Razor leaf, Burn Powder)

lvl 22 Gemectric-(Rock throw, rock polish, crunch, spark)

lvl 23 Tikewoon- (Mach Punch, Bulk up, karate chop, Bone Buster)

Tikewoon will be holding a Sitrus berry. He will start with flame bud and work his way up to Tikewoon. He only has 3 Pokemon, but dont take him lightly. They are well trained.

Win Phrase:

THERE! Now you know yer place. Now behave as the grown ups work.

Lose Phrase:


After Losing Mr. Nature looks closer at you.

Mr. Nature: No wonder ye won. I didnt notice that Fire in ye eyes. Its not Strong, but it be there.

A Grunt comes running up the stair's.

Grunt: It's Rick and Mia! They are wipping the floor with us!


Mr. Nature turns to you

Mr.Nature: LISTEN WELL! Ye may have a Fire in your eye, but technology is still keeping it down. As long as tech is around, that fire will never burn bright! Next time, I be sure to make the plans succeed!

The screen blacks out and when it comes back Team Dryad and Mr. Nature are gone. Rick and Mia come up the stairs.

Rick: took on Team Dryad all by yourself? I told you to not do anything rash Kiddo!

Mia: Dont Worry Rick, it looks like he/she did just fine.

CEO: Yes thank you so much for your help! If they had cut the power, it would have been a disaster! Here let me heal your Pokemon as thanks.

The Ceo Heals your Pokemon.

Ceo: If youll excuse me. I need to go make sure everything is working fine.

The Ceo Goes down the stairs.

Mia: Your gonna head off to route 600? Be careful. That place was affected by a Nuclear Meltdown 75 years ago.

Rick: Stay safe!

Rick and Mia leave. Head out of the power plant and go to where the guard was earlier in your adventure. He is now gone. Head on through to route 600.


Junction Ranch: Part 2:

Welcome back to JUnction Ranch annd....OH NOES TEAM Tech HAS TAKEN OVER! PANIC PANIC PANCI! Your Pokeberry rings.

Sam: (insert name here) So? ....... TEAM Tech HAS TAKEN OVER THE TOWN? This isn't good! Dont do anything rash till I get there!

Dont do anything rash? Ok Np....lets just take on Team Tech ourselves. Thats not rash. You'll notice a lone Grunt doing a partol.

Grunt on patrol: Why arent you in your home.

He will have a lvl 20 Shockitox (Sludge, Thunderbolt, Charge, Acid Armour)

Win Phrase:
You are to return to your home.

Lose Phrase:
We have been compromised

The Grunt runs off. Head to the Power Plant to battle the grunt guarding it.

Grunt guarding the door: I remember you. YOu shall not intervene this time.

He will have a lvl 20 Voltorb(Charge, Spark, Rollout, Screech).

Win Phrase:

You will not stop us.

Lose Phrase:

This is Alpha, perimeter breached.

The Grunt will enter the Power Station, Head on in after him.

Junction Ranch: Power Station: Main Floor:

This is the main floor, you will Notice that the area is layed out like a maze like Barn, with Ampharos in rather large pens. They seem to be controlling the power input/output. The floor is a MAZE, so just naviagte your way to the back where you will find stairs to the next floor. YOu will have 5 battles as you navigate your way to the stairs, the last being a double battle. You will find the following items here(in order):

Paralyze Heal
Super Potion
Great Ball
The Tm for Thunder Wave

Begin your way to the stairs.

Grunt #1: You have no idea what your doing

He will have a lvl 20 Shockitox and a lvl 20 Shockly (Bite, Thundershock, glare, pursuit)

Win Phrase:

You are not thinking about your actions

Lose Phrase:

You may know what your doing, but you cant stop us.

Grunt #2: Team Tech will save you.

He will have a lvl 20 Elekid(Low Kick, swift, shock wave, thunder wave) and a lvl 20 Voltorb.

Win Phrase:

I shall set you free.

Lose phrase:

We are just trying to help.

Grunt #3: Stop right there. This is no place for a distracted kid.

He will have a lvl 20 Shockitox, a lvl 20 Voltorb and a lvl 20 Shockly.

Win Phrase:

You are distracted, thats why you lost.

Lose Phrase:

Not so distracted as I thought.

Grunt #4: That will be far enough.

He will have two lvl 20 Shockitox's and a lvl 20 Elekid.

win Phrase:

You will not be goinf any farther.

Lose Phrase:

You may have gotten pass me, but you will not stop our plans.

Sr. rank Member #1: YOu will not disrupt the meeting.
Sr. rank Member #1: We will not lose.

The first wil have a lvl 20 Shockitox and a lvl 20 Voltorb. The second will have a lvl 20 Shockly and a lvl 20 Elekid.

Win Phrase:

Sr. rank Member #1: You are not match for Team Tech.
Sr. rank Member #2: We are trained for this.

Lose Phrase:

Sr.rank Member #1: You will be sorry.
Sr.rank Member #2: You may have won, but you will still lose.

head up the stairs to floor 2.

Junction ranch: Power Station: Second Floor:

As you enter the 2nd floor you will see two people talking. One is the person in charge of the Power station, the second is a man in a cloak. There are also a few grunts on this floor.

Power station Manager: You cant increase the power output! The grid wont handle it!

Man in cloak: The power output must be increased. The technology wont run on this low of a wattage.


Man in cloak: That is a chacne we must take to help free you from your oppression.

You are finally noticed by a Grunt.

Grunt: Luitenant! WE HAVE AN INTRUDER!

The man in the cloak turns to you.

Man in Cloak: I am LT. Mark. I will make sure that you do not interfear with our plan to increase the electrical output. Technology shall free you.

Lt. Mark's Poke's

Lvl 22 Shockitox(Sludge, Thunderbolt, Charge, Acid Armour)

lvl 22 Aaron (Take Down, Roar, Iron Defense, Metal Claw)

lvl 23 Tikewoon (Mach Punch, Bulk up, karate chop, Bone Buster)

Tikewoon Will be holding a Sitrus berry. He will start with Shockitox and work his way up to Tikewoon. He only has 3 Pokemon, but dont take him lightly. They are well trained.

Win Phrase:

Target nullified.

Lose Phrase:

All members Move out. We have been compromised to much.

After winning against Lt. Mark you hear Commotion.

Lt. Mark :It seems the Gym leaders are here. You. You are a strong trainer indeed. But heed my warning: Do not interfear with Team Tech anymore. If you do, you will lose that Fire I now see in your eye. TEAM TECH! MOVE OUT!

The screen will go black and Sam and Joe will come up the stairs after the screen comes back.


Joe: Well now. You are quite somethig arent you.

Power station Manager: Thank you so much. The grid on the Island couldnt handle the increase they wanted. It would have been disasterious. Let me heal your pokemon as thanks.

YOur Pokemon are healed.

POwer station manager: Excuse me, I need to go check on the pokemon downstairs.

HE will go down the stairs.

Sam: Dang it (Your name here). I told ya to do nothing reckless

Joe: Sam, I think he/she did what they thought was right. Whatya say we head back.

Sam: I guess your right. Good Job Kiddo.

Sam and Joe will go back down the stairs. You also go down. Head out of the power station and to where the guy was blocking your path. Keep going past to Route 500.

**Edit: This is the ghost of GofD. Now Only Tikewoon has the the Sitrus Berry instead of all of them.**

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Last edited by GofD on Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:40 am
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C'mon! Doesn't the dress code change at least in Valentine's day? And by the way, you can run but you can't hide. I've trapped this message with explosives, when you finish reading you'll die.

Although GofD is dead now, I'll judge this as usual.
Wasn't the Pokemon Smolderbud?
I'm not quite sure about Mr.Nature and Lt.Mark having Sitrus in all of their Pokemon.

Other than that, congrats. Too bad you'll never fix the mistakes.

The chill of death, the heart of a metalhead. A lone rebel.
I'm a competitive battler, ask me if you have any questions on competitive battling or want advice on Ubers teambuilding.
Credit to DragoBoy for the banner!
The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed!

Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:33 am
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ChillBill wrote:
C'mon! Doesn't the dress code change at least in Valentine's day? And by the way, you can run but you can't hide. I've trapped this message with explosives, when you finish reading you'll die.

Although GofD is dead now, I'll judge this as usual.
Wasn't the Pokemon Smolderbud?
I'm not quite sure about Mr.Nature and Lt.Mark having Sitrus in all of their Pokemon.

Other than that, congrats. Too bad you'll never fix the mistakes.

Well, Guess Im a ghost now.

1)Dress code will change when you date her. What it changes to is a surprise.
2) FlameBud is the evolved form of Smolderbud.
3) I have fixed that, and only the last Pokemon Will have the sitrus Berry.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:48 am
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1) Damn you...
2) Oops, my bad. I had forgotten.
3) Nice.
4) Congrats on becoming a Pokemon Master.

The chill of death, the heart of a metalhead. A lone rebel.
I'm a competitive battler, ask me if you have any questions on competitive battling or want advice on Ubers teambuilding.
Credit to DragoBoy for the banner!
The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed!

Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:01 am
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I never even noticed that I became a Pokemon master. HURRAY FOR ME! Thanks Chill.

Now for today's Post. As per normal I will ba taking the weekend off from posting new stuff, So expect more stuff Monday.


Route 600:

Route 600....looks like a devistated city that runs from west to east. There are crumbling blackned buildings(Some of which can be entered). Charred tree's are plenty here too. The road looks like it needs some work.

As you enter in youll see a man standing.

Man: This was once a beautiful city. However, many years ago there was a nuclear disaster. The whole city was wiped out. Luckily there was enough time for everyone to escape. This part, is the only safe place to be in the city now. The outskirts were the new nuclear plant is, is still very dangerous....

Walking off of the charred blackened road will result in wild Pokemon encouters.

Pokemon at route 600:

Gastly(Uncommon, Night Only) lvl 18-20
Known Moves- Spite, Mean look/Confuse Ray, Curse, Night shade

Murkrow(Uncommon, Afternoon/Night) lvl 18-20
Known Moves- Astonish, Haze, Wing Attack, Pursuit

Scaven(Common, Night Only) lvl 18-20
Known Moves- Surprise Strike, Howl, Roar, Bite

Alarmgheist(Common, Night Only)lvl 18-20
Known Moves- HYpnosis, Rest, spite, Night shade

Litwick(Uncommon, Night Only) lvl 18-20
Known Moves-Fire Spin/Flame Burst, Nightshade, confuse ray,Will-O-Wisp

Ekans(Common,Morning/Afternoon) lvl 18-20
Known Moves-Poison Sting, Bite, Glare, Screech/Acid

Venepide(Uncommon, Morning/Afternoon) lvl 18
Known Moves-Poison Sting, Screech, Pursuit, Protect

Trubbish(Uncommon,Anytime) lvl 18-20
Known Moves-Toxic Spikes, Acid Spray, Double slap, Sludge

If you exlpore around the area you can find the following items(In no particular order),

Dusk Stone
Super Potion
Great Ball
Spell Tag
Tm for shadow Ball

During the day you will only see a couple of Psychics.

Psychic Moe: The spirits...they are calling.

He will have a lvl 23 Kadabra (Kinesis, Confusion, Diasble, Miracle eye)

Win Phrase:
They are calling for you

Lose Phrase:
What is it that they want?

Psychic Ni: The voices cry, yet no one hears but me.

She will have a lvl 23 Natu (Lucky Chant, Miracle eye, Peck, Night shade)

Win Phrase:
Can you hear them?

Lose Phrase:
It is so sad....

At night you will see some Ghost Hunters.

Ghost Hunter Mack: Shhhh, I think Im making contact.

He Will have a lvl 23 Gastly(Sucker punch, curse, night shade, confuse ray)

win phrase:
I've done it!

Lose Phrase: was only a trainer.

Ghost Hunter Sarah: This place gives me the creeps

She will have a 2 lvl 23 Litwicks (Flame Busrt, Will-O-Wisp, night shade, Confuse ray)

Win Phrase:
Oh, its not that scary.

Lose Phrase:

Ghost Hunter Lee: Im tryin to get a theraml Image of the whole area.

He will have a lvl 23 Murkrow(Pursuit, Haze, Wing attack, Nightshade) and a lvl 23 Gastly

Win Phrase:
WHOA! I think we got something!

Lose Phrase:


In the middle of this destroyed City you will see a monument, and a person standing there.

Person standing at Monument: *sigh* We did everything we could.....And we couldnt stop it...... Oh Sorry. I sometimes come here to think about what happened here...You see 75 years ago there was a Nuclear Power plant here That my Great Grandfather ran.... With all of our technology, we never predictied an attack by a Snailclear.... We were lucky enough to get everyone out of the blast radius....but....we just couldnt stop the resulting explosion....

The man Looks at you.

Man: Hmmm, you seem to be strong and have a good heart...Hmm, come back after you win a few more gym badges. I have a favor id like to ask you. Here let me register my Number with you. Oh! By the way, Im Max, And I head the Group that looks after Radiation Flat just to the north of here.


Afterwards Mark walks North from the momument. Head to the east to Blackened Woods.


Route 500:

This route is pretty much a forest that runs east to west. You will notice that the wind is a light yellow color this is because of the Pollen and spores. The area is rather quiet. There will be an elderly lady nearby when you first enter.

Elderly lady: Isnt this place just so peaceful? The trees here have been around for centuries. Sometimes the Mushrooms grow over though, and this place gets overrun and impassible.

There will be a few trainers here, mostly Pokemon Rangers. But first the Pokemon you can find here. The Pokemon can be found in the tall grass that is abundant in this part.

Scyther(UnCommon, Morning and Afternoon) lvl 18-20
Known moves-Focus Energy, Pursuit, Agility, False Swipe

Cherubi(Common, Morning and Afternoon) lvl 18-20
Known Moves-Growth, Helping Hand, Magical Leaf, Leech seed

Wizly(Uncommon, Anytime) lvl 18-20
Known Moves-Calm Mind, future sight, wish, double team

Leaveech(Common, MOrning and Afternoon) lvl 18-20
Known Moves- Parasite, Bug Bite, Tackle, stun spore

Seepirit(Uncommon, Night only) lvl 18-20
Known Moves-Nightshade, vine whip, spite, growth

Gastly(Uncommon, Night Only) lvl 18-20
Known Moves- Spite, Mean look/Confuse Ray, Curse, Night shade

Shroomish(Uncommon, morning/Afternoon) lvl 18-20
Known Moves- Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Mega drain, Tackle

Tangela(uncommon, Morning Afternoon) lvl 18-20
Known Moves-Poison Powder, Bind, Absorb, Vine Whip/Growth

There will also be some items to find as you walk your way thrigh here(The list is in no particular order).

Shiny Stone
Super Potion
Great Ball
Big Root
Tm for Energy Ball

There will only be trainers during the day, and as previously meantioned, they are Pokemon Rangers.

Pokemon Ranger Rye: I take my job very seriously.

He will have a lvl 23 Weepinebll(Sleep powder, Stun spore, Acid, Wine Whip)

Win Phrase:

See? Serious.

Lose Phrase:

You take your's seriously too.

Pokemon Ranger Sarah: Nature is just so amazing!

She will have a lvl 23 Tangela (Mega Drain, Bind, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder).

Win Phrase:

Isnt it sooooo amazing?

Lose Phrase:

Your pretty amzing too!

Pokemon Ranger Rob: TRAINING TIME!

He will have a lvl 23 Leaveech ( Parasite, Bug Bite, Tackle, stun spore) and a lvl 23 Wizly(Calm Mind, future sight, wish, double team)

Win Phrase:


Lose Phrase:


Pokemon Ranger Jess: I protect nature with bug types!

She will have a lvl 23 Leaveech and a lvl 23 Scyther (Pursuit, Wing attack, Agility, False Swipe)

Win Phrase:

Bug typesa are sweet!

Lose Phrase:

AWeeeee my poor bug types.

As you near the middle of the route you will see a Lady walking around in front of a large opening in the tree's.

Lady:Hmmm, Looks like all the Mushroom's have been removed. Hmm? Oh Hello there Trainer. Im just making sure that all the Mushrooms have been removed. We Pokemon Rangers have to Keep the spores from Mushroom Meadow in Check. Oh Im Jess by the way!

Jess walks around you a bit.

Jess: You seem strong, and your Pokemon are really attached to you! But I wanna make sure. After you get some more badges come see me again. Here let me register my Number with you!


Jess will then go into the large opening of the tree's. Head to the left to Spooky Woods.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:48 am
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Hope everyone had a Good weekend. Time for the next part of the walk-through!


Blackened Woods:

This Area was a Forest that was devistated by the Nuclear Explosion on Route 600. The area is average in size. There are a few Grass patches here(charred grass). The trees are twisted and blackened. They look like deformed hands reaching out of the ground. There are not many Pokemon here.

Pokemon in the grass in Blackened Woods:

Litwick(Uncommon, Night Only) lvl 18-20
Known Moves-Fire Spin/Flame Burst, Nightshade, confuse ray,Will-O-Wisp

Mosquitpiress(Rare, Night Only) lvl 19-22
Known Moves-Vampbite, Leech Life, Pursuit, Glare

Mosquitervant(Common, Afternoon/night) lvl 18
Known Moves-Bug bite, Confusion, Safeguard, Molt

There Will also be one trainer here, a little Old lady.

Little Old Lady: To some his forest has a meanencing Vibe, to me its just peaceful

She will have a lvl 23 Mosquitpiress(Vampbite, Leech Life, Pursuit, Glare) and a lvl 23 Litwick(Flame Burst, Nightshade, confuse ray,Will-O-Wisp).

Win Phrase:

A pokemon battle can also be quite peaceful

Lose Phrase:

I may have lost, but I am still calm

Little Old lady: If you happen to be in the area again, please come back to give this old lady some company.

You will be able to rebattle her everynight.

As you near the exit, you start to hear your name in a long drawn out moan, As you get closer to the exit, Your older brother/sister will jump out!

Older Brother/Sister: HAHA! Did I scare you? I didnt? Well then, in that case you should be ok with a Pokemon battle!

Yaaaay, some fun with yout older sibling. Depending on the starter you chose, the pokemon you Will face will be as follows:

If you chose Smoldon:

Dropletee- lvl 25
Known Moves- Scald, Confusion, Rain Dance, Trick

Gemetric- lvl 25
Known Moves- Rock throw, Rock Polish,Thunderbolt, shockwave

Cacnea- lvl 25
Known Moves-Ingrain, Pin Missle, sand Attack, leech seed

If you chose Droply:

Pandai- lvl 25
Known Moves-Mach Punch, razor Leaf, Karate Chop, Bulk up

Ponyermaid-lvl 25
Known Moves- Water gun, Take Down, Bite, Stomp

Sandile-lvl 25
Known Moves- Swagger, Embargo, Mudslap, Assurance

If you Chose Pandboo:

Smoldcoon- lvl 25
Known Moves-Molt, Ember, Iron Defense, Mirror Shot

Voltactus-lvl 25
Known Moves- Ingrain, Thundershock, Sap shot, Charge

Squiorch-lvl 25
Known Moves- Ember, Scald, Agility, Wrap

Win Phrase:
HAHA! Im older and stronger! Youll catch up eventually!

Lose Phrase:
WOW! You've been training havent you!

After the battle your older sibling will talk with you a little.

Older Brother/Sister: I Heard you've taken on Team Dryad twice now, and beat them! If Mom knew she'd have a fit! You better be careful out there (insert your name here). So ill give you this to help you.


Older brother/ sister: That should help you when you get stuck. Well im off! Until I see you again!

He/she runs off. Continue to the exit, which an opening in the trees on your right.


Spooky Woods:

Ooooooooooo, Welllllcooooooome tooooo sppppppppoooookkkyyy Woooooooods! This part is an average sized area. It has a rather creepy feeling to it. The trees are over grown and the grass is rather tall. There are not many Pokemon to be found here.

Seepirit(Uncommon, Night only) lvl 18-20
Known Moves-Nightshade, vine whip, spite, growth

Mosquitpiress(Rare, Night Only) lvl 19-22
Known Moves-Vampbite, Leech Life, Pursuit, Glare

Mosquitervant(Common, Afternoon/night) lvl 18
Known Moves-Bug bite, Confusion, Safeguard, Molt

You will run into the only trainer here, An elderly Gentleman.

Elderly Gentleman: Your quite the young whiper snapper arent you?

He will have a lvl 23 Mosquitpiress(Vampbite, Leech Life, Pursuit, Glare) and a lvl 23 Seepirit (Nightshade, vine whip, spite, growth).

win Phrase:

Im not as old as I Look do I.

Lose Phrase:

Ouch my back! Good show.

Elderly Gentleman: Stop by again and keep this old crow company again!

You will be able to rebattle him everynight.

As you near the exit, you start to hear your name in a long drawn out moan, As you get closer to the exit, Your older brother/sister will jump out!

Older Brother/Sister: HAHA! Did I scare you? I didnt? Well then, in that case you should be ok with a Pokemon battle!

Yaaaay, some fun with yout older sibling. Depending on the starter you chose, the pokemon you Will face will be as follows:

If you chose Smoldon:

Drainster- lvl 25
Known Moves- Scald, Acid Armour, Rain Dance, Water Pulse

Gemetric- lvl 25
Known Moves- Rock throw, Rock Polish,Thunderbolt, shockwave

Weepinbell- lvl 25
Known Moves-Acid, Stun Spore, Growth, Sap Shot

If you chose Droply:

Pandgrove- lvl 25
Known Moves-Bind, razor Leaf, Mega Drain, Revenge Seed

Ponyermaid-lvl 25
Known Moves- Water gun, Take Down, Bite, Stomp

NosePass-lvl 25
Known Moves-Rock throw, Spark, Rock blast, Rest

If you Chose Pandboo:

Smoldtis- lvl 25
Known Moves-Molt, Ember, Fury Cutter, Leech Life

Voltactus-lvl 25
Known Moves- Ingrain, Thundershock, Sap shot, Charge

Squiorch-lvl 25
Known Moves- Ember, Scald, Agility, Wrap

Win Phrase:
HAHA! Im older and stronger! Youll catch up eventually!

Lose Phrase:
WOW! You've been training havent you!

After the battle your older sibling will talk with you a little.

Older Brother/Sister: I Heard you've taken on Team Tech twice now, and beat them! If Mom knew she'd have a fit! You better be careful out there (insert your name here). So ill give you this to help you.


Older brother/ sister: That should help you when you get stuck. Well im off! Until I see you again!

He/she runs off. Continue to the exit, which an opening in the trees on your right.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:56 am
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Oh... No creepy effects like in the Old Chateau :(...
Good ones, though. I wonder if the old people are the ghosts?

The chill of death, the heart of a metalhead. A lone rebel.
I'm a competitive battler, ask me if you have any questions on competitive battling or want advice on Ubers teambuilding.
Credit to DragoBoy for the banner!
The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed!

Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:58 am
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@ChillBill-*creepy sound effects* Who know? MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! *cough cough*

Anyways, next up today's post, with Gym #3!


Cemtridge Town:

Welcome to Cemtridge town. This town is....well no point sugar coating it, the town is a graveyard. There are many gray crumbling gravestones, the air is thick with fog. Add in some Lavender Town type music and you have one creepy town. There are only 2 prominant building in this town, The Pokemon Center, and a large mosuleum in the center of town. There's no one to talk to in the Pokemon Center, so do a quick pit stop for items, Tm's and to heal your Pokemon. (The Pokemon center is the first bbuilding youll notice.) There will be a few people Standing by gravestones. Talk to them.

Old Lady #1: This town is the resting place for people and Pokemon. Please try to be quiet, and keep all Pokemon battle to inside the gym.

Young Lady: My Beloved Pokemon is Buried here. *sniff* I miss cuddling her.

Little Boy: *sniff Sniff*

Old Lady #2: I come here everyday to visit my Husband. Somone has to make sure he doesnt cause any trouble.

Little Girl: ...

After speaking to them, head to the Mosuleum, which is also the Pokemon Gym. It is a large grey, worn, crumbling building with two worn rock lions in front of the opening.

Cemtridge Town: Pokemon Gym:

Leader- Misstress Kayla

Type- Bug

As you first enter the gym you see Bob huddling in a corner.

Bob: Mommy.....Mommy.....I WANT MY MOMMY!

......Okay Bob is having a moment. A random person enters behind you.

Random person: *sigh* Guess Ill have to give the speech since Bob is Currently Unavailble. Welcome to the Cemtridge Town Gym! The Gym leader here uses Bug types. Psychic types will get creeped out by them, but Flying types sound the dinner bell.She also battles in the triple battle format. Here this may help you.

You are given a Fresh water!

Walk past the shivering Bob and into the main part of the Gym. You will notice that there are a bunch of Coffins here. (16 in a square 4x4). YOu will need to find 2 switches within the coffin to open the door to the Gym leaders Chamber. If you find the first on, but then not the second one, it will reset. (Much like the Vermillion City Gym from RBY.) There will be 3 trainers hiding in the Coffins. Im not gonan tell you where though.

Little Kid: BOO! Did I scare you?

He will have a lvl 25 Ariados (Fury Swipe, Night shade, Shadow sneak, Leech Life)

Win Phrase:

AHA! I did scare you!

Lose phrase:

Guess I didnt scare you..

Bug catcher(male): This place kinda gives me the creeps......

He will have a lvl 25 Ariados and a lvl 25 Whrilipede(Protect, Bug Bite, Poison Tail, Iron Defense)

Win Phrase:

This place may give me the creeps, but im wih my Pokemon!

Lose Phrase:

I have the chills...

Grave Worker: Kinda odd that a Gym thats in a Cemetery Uses Bug types isnt it?

He will Have 2 lvl 25 Ariados.

Win Phrase:

Weird, but it works.

Lose Phrase:

Well, back to work.

After you Find both switches, head on through to the Leader Chamber to face Kayla. Kayla will be standing in a Coffin wearing a black dress.... To be blunt, Guys your eyes will pop out of your head. Lets Just leave it at that.

Mistress Kayla: What is this? A trainer brave enough to enter my Chamber? Mhm, You are looking for a battle with me, Mistress Kayla? Well then, I shall not dissapoint. Now, are you brave enough?

Go to a cut scene where you see Mistress Kayla walks out elegantly from her Coffin. Bats will flutter about. She will draw out a Pokeball, and throw it with a quick flick of her wrist.

Gym Leader Kayla's Poke's

x2 lvl 25 Mosquitervant (Safeguard, Molt, Bug bite, Confusion)

lvl 28 Mosquitpiress (Vamp bite, Bug Bite, Pursuit, Bug Army)

As meantined earlier, This will be a TRIPLE BATTLE! Mosquitpiress will be in the center surrounded by her two Mosquitervants. Due to Mosquitervant's ability, all single attacks directed at Mosquitipress will be redirected to Mosquitervant's. And also Mosquitipress's Ability, when her health gets down to low, she will sacrifice one of her Mosquitervant's to heal her health, as well as whenever she does a succesful attack. Your best idea is to try and take out her servants first and use attacks that hit multiple targets.)

Win Phrase:

Tsk Tsk, you were unprepared for me.

Lose Phrase:

Well Well, Someone has been listening to their Pokemon's hearts. Congratulations.

After the Battle Kayla will give you the Molt Badge.

Kayla: With that badge, All Pokemon up to lvl 40 will Obey you. Also take this.

She Gives you the Tm for Bug Army.

Kayla: [i] That move, The more Bug pokemon you have the stronger it is.

Theres abit of silence, then she registers her number in your Pokeberry without a word.

Head back out of the gym. Go to the right, then go north to Route 4 1/2.



Welcome to Graveridge. The town is pretty much a graveyard with a Pokemon center and a Mosuleum for a gym. Although the Town is a graveyard town, it doesnt look very creepy. The Gravestones, are in rather good condition, Although some are showing the signs of thre age. Each Grave has its own bouquet of flowers. The Mosuleum is Covered in Vines with little white flowers. There is more a sense of peacfullness then creepyness. Go to the Pokemon Center and heal your Pokemon to Full health, buy some items and Tm's if need be, and head on out to talk to the people.

Little Girl: I visit my Pokemon Everyday and bring her Fresh flowers.

Little Boy: This place makes me feel sad, but also peacefull.....

Old Lady: A Grave yard is not a creepy place, but a silent peacefull place full of memories.

Grave keeper: The job is a little creepy, But people like to know that their loved ones are still being looked after and respected.

Little Girl #2: My Pokemon is not only here, but also in my heart. So it's like shes with me all the time, even when im not here.

Head to the Gym, which is the Mosuleum in the middles of town.

Graveridge Gym:

Leader: Master Ronoldo

Type: Bug

Bob will be waiting for you when you first enter.

Bob: Yes, your in a Mosuleum....Not all that creepy is it? Anyways, Ronoldo uses Bug types and will challenge you to a triple battle! Bug types make psychic types shiver, but flying types are waiting for the dinner bell to be rung. Here this may come in handy.

Bob Will give you a Freshwater!

Walk past Bob to the main part of the gym.You will notice that there are a bunch of Coffins here. (16 in a square 4x4). YOu will need to find 2 switches within the coffin to open the door to the Gym leaders Chamber. If you find the first on, but then not the second one, it will reset. (Much like the Vermillion City Gym from RBY.) There will be 3 trainers hiding in the Coffins. Im not gonan tell you where though.

Little Girl: Ronoldo is pretty!

She will have a lvl 25 Beautily(Megadrain, Morning sun, Stun spore, Gust)

Win Phrase:

I really like Ronoldo.

Lose Phrase:


Bug catcher(female): Ronoldo is sooooooo dreamy......

She will have a lvl 25 Beautifly and a lvl 25 Dustox (Psybeam, Moonlight, Protect, Gust)

Win Phrase:


Lose Phrase:


Gravekeeper: Hmmm, everything looks fine here. Oh a trainer!

He will have 2 lvl 25 Shedinja's (spite, Mind reader, Fury Swipe, Sand Attack).

Win Phrase:

Mhm, everything is in order.

Lose phrase:

Oh no! the flowers wilted!

After you Find both switches, head on through to the Leader Chamber to face Ronoldo. Ronoldo will be sitting in a rather large red chair wearing a black pair of leather pants and no shirt. Guys will be jelous of him and girls will Swoon over him.

Ronoldo: WELCOME TRAINER! You must be very determined to come here to challenge me. NOW! Lets see if that determination stays with you in battle!

Go to a Cut scene where Ronoldo gets out of his chair and picks up a Pokeball fro mthe armrest and walks toward you. He does a simple toss of the Pokeball and the battle begins!

Gym Leader Ronoldo's pokes:

x2 lvl 25 Mosquitervant (Safeguard, Molt, Bug bite, Confusion)

lvl 28 Mosquitpiress (Vamp bite, Bug Bite, Pursuit, Bug Army)

As meantined earlier, This will be a TRIPLE BATTLE! Mosquitpiress will be in the center surrounded by her two Mosquitervants. Due to Mosquitervant's ability, all single attacks directed at Mosquitipress will be redirected to Mosquitervant's. And also Mosquitipress's Ability, when her health gets down to low, she will sacrifice one of her Mosquitervant's to heal her health, as well as whenever she does a succesful attack. Your best idea is to try and take out her servants first and use attacks that hit multiple targets.

Win Phrase:

Your Determination slipped away. You can not beat me like that.

Lose Phrase:

You are a very determined trainer! As are your Pokemon! Congratulations!

After the Battle Ronoldo will talk with you.

Ronoldo: For winning you get the Molt Badge! All Pokemon up to lvl 40 will listen to you! Even those from a trade!


Ronoldo gives you a TM!

Ronoldo: That Tm is Bug Army. The more Bug Pokemon you have the stronger it is!

Ronoldo: Oh right!

Ronoldo Registers his # in your Pokeberry!

Head on out of the Mosulem. Go to your left and then south to route 3 3/4.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:56 am
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Someone's been reading Twilight too much...

*peeks at Kayla*
Ahem. Well done, GofD. Well done.

The chill of death, the heart of a metalhead. A lone rebel.
I'm a competitive battler, ask me if you have any questions on competitive battling or want advice on Ubers teambuilding.
Credit to DragoBoy for the banner!
The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed!

Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:16 am
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Twilight? What's Twilight? Also, Chill, Remember you look with your eyes! Don't make me get Frost or Krisp!

Today's Post is simply just a short route, nothing big.


Route 4 1/2:

Welcome to route 4 1/2. Nothing really spectacualar here. It still has that creepy feeling from Cemtridge Town. Although you cant find Pokemon here, you will find, however, The Tm for Spirit Call, and a Great Ball. There will also be two trainers that challenge you to a double battle.

Ace Trainer(male): Can you push the creepy thoughts aside and beat me?
Psychic(female): Me and my Boyfriend talk with our minds to each other.

The Ace Trainer will have a lvl 27 Digpup (Dig, iron Defnse, Bulldoze, Howl) and lvl 27 Haunter (Shadow Punch, Sucker Punch, Confuse ray, Night shade).
The Psychic will have a lvl 27 Herbyic(Confusion, Growth, Clam Mind, Bullet seed) and a lvl 27 Kadabra(Miricle eye, Kinesis, Confusion, Disable).

Win Phrase:

Ace Trainer(male): If you cant push other things out of your mind, your not gonna get far.
Psychic(female): Me and him are in perfect sync.

Lose Phrase:

Ace Trainer(male): Guess I couldnt get over the creepy feeling.
Psychic(Female): MY FAULT? WHAT WAS THAT?!

After beating them head on through the gate house to Iron Pass.


Route 3 3/4:

Route 3 3/4 isnt that spectacular. It has a ratehr peacfull feeling to it. Although you wont find any Pokemon here, you will be happy to know you get the TM for Spirit Call and a great ball. You will also be two trainers that challenge you to a double battle.

Ace Trainer(female): Dont you dare underestimate me.
Psychic(male):I sense something about you....

The Ace trainer will have a lvl 27 Palpitoad(Uproar, Aqua ring, Mudshot, Bubblebeam) and a lvl 27 Nuzleaf (Torment, Fake out, Razo leaf, growth).
The Psychic will have a lvl 27 Nervick (Molt, Confusion, Bug bite, Dig) and a lvl 27 Kirlia (Heal Pulse, Magical Leaf, Lucky chant, Double Team)

Win Phrase:

Ace Trainer(female):You underestimated me.
Psychic(male): I sense that you are confused.

Lose Phrase:

Ace Trainer(female): wow, your strong,
Psychic(male): I sense that a great challenge awaits you..

After beating them head on through the gate house to Quarry valley.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:01 am
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Hey look! Another part of the walk-through!

Gray Version

Welcome to Iron Pass, This route is a working Iron Mine. You will be needing strength for this area. As you enter onto the route there will be a Supervisor.

Supervisor: Hey there Trainer. Please where this Helment as you pass through. Saftey first.[/b]

Your char will now be wearing a yellow helmet. Go North where you see three boulders. Unfortuently you cant pass this way cause you need to be ON THE OTHER SIDE TO PUSH THEM. Instead you up the stairs on your right to a little ridge and head north. As you traverse the area you will come across sand patches, and boulders with a gray hue to them. Examing this rocks will either result in a Pokemon Battle or you finding one of three types of ore (Copper(Common), silver(Uncommon) or gold(rare))that a manic will buy. First the Pokemon you will run into.

Pokemon in the sand Patches:

Krokorok(Common, AnyTime) lvl 29
Known Moves-Crunch, Swagger, Sand Tomb, Assurance

Rockador(Uncommon, Anytime) lvl 29
Known Moves-Low kick, Boulder Lift, Bind, karate chop

Digpup(Common, Anytime) lvl 25-27
Known Moves-Dig, Howl, Take Down,Odor Slueth

Heatabbit(Uncommon, Afternoon Only) lvl 27-29
Known Moves- Ember, FireSpin, Defense Curl, Bite

TikeWoon(uncommon, Anytime) lvl 27-29
Known Moves-Mach Punch, Bulk up, Karate chop, MegaPunch/MegaKick

Glasick(rare, Anytime) lvl 28
Known Moves- Molt, Bug Bite, Leech Life, Screech

Hedgehelm(Rare, Anytime) lvl 15
Known moves- Iron defense, Mirror shot, Take Down, Rock polish

Pokemon that can be found On Grey hued rocks:

Ferroseed (rare) lvl 25
Known Moves-Gyro Ball, Iron Defesnse, Pin needle, Metal Shine

Aron (rare) lvl 25
Known Moves-Iron Head, Iron Defense, Take Down, Metal Shine

As you continue north on this little ridge, you wont see any trainers, but the whole ridge is covered in sand, so expect many pokemon battles. You wil eventually come to a dead end. You will have to walk over the road thats below you by walking across a steel beam. You wont be able to run across these. on the side you will see a few workers standing around. There appears to be a bloulder blocking the path. One of them will come up to you.

Worker: [i] You dont happen to have a POkemon with strength that can push the boulder aside do you?

Simply walk up to boulder (going north) and stand on the left of it and use strength to push it to the right. The workers will then jump up and down, and head North to get to work. Th worker from before will talk to you.

Worker: Thanks for that. Here thisis my thanks.

He gives you a Super potion and head on north as well. Continue north. From this point on you will be needing to Criss cross between the two side via the iron beams. You will also be needing to use strength every now and then to move boulders out of the way. YOu will also see people working with Fighting type Pokemon. Talking to them will generate this generic response.

Working workers: Sorry cant talk now, Gotta work.

There will be a few items scattered about in no given order:

Super potion x2
Red shard
Greesn shard x2
Blue shard
Great ball x2
Fire stone
Hard stone
Metal Coat

There will also be a few Workers who happen to be Miners who will challenge you to battle.

Miner(male): Ohhhhh boy where gonan find a god vein soon

He will have a lvl 29 Aron (Protect, Iron Head, Take Down, Iron Defense)

Win Phrase:


Lose Phrase:

Miner(male) #2: Im on my break. Time for a quick Pokemon Battle.

He will have 2 lvl 29 Arons.

Win Phrase:

AAH. That loosens the muscles.

Lose Phrase:

Weeelp, break time over.

Miner(female) #3: Can you Rough it?

She will have a lvl 30 Rockador (Iron Arm, Boulder Lift, Bind, karate chop) and a lvl 29 Aron.

Win Phrase:

Dont look like it.

Lose Phrase:

Wow, you can rough it all right.

Miner(male)#4: Let's see what your made of Kid, Steel or Gravel.

He will have a lvl 30 Rockador and a lvl 30 Tikewoon(Mach Punch, Bulk up, Karate chop, MegaPunch)

Win Phrase:

YOu feel apart under pressure. Gravel.

Lose Phrase:

You held strong, just like Iron.

Miner(male) #5: How do you work under Pressure?

This will be a triple battle. He will have a lvl 30 Rockador, a lvl 30 Tikewoon and a lvl 30 Hedgesarge (metal Shine, Sowrd Dance, Iron Arm, Iron head).

Win Phrase:

Looks like you fall short.

Lose Phrase:

Thats what I like to see, you kept your head on.

You eventually come to a stair case that goes back down onto the main pass. You can either go through the gate at the north, or go south and move the boulders
out of the way. If you Go move the boulders, youll find the TM for BullDoze. You will also see a few peices of heavy machinery here. If you go through the gate you Will find yourself, in ForgeVille.


Quarry valley:

Welcome to Quarry Valley. This area is rather flat and grassy area within a little valley, so there will be moss covered walls. You will need strength to get around occasionally. There will be a supervisor when you first come in.

Supervisor: Hello there young'in. You'll need to wear this hear helment as you walk around here. This is a functioning rocky quarry. So be careful, ya'hear?

Your char will now be wearing a bright yellow helment. Going in a southerly direction, youll see a pair of two bloulders blocking your path down into a pit. These bolders need to be pushed from the other side. Instead walk along up top in the grass. You will notice that there are bridges over the pit, youll be needing to criss sross this pit on those bridges. You will also run into trees that are dripping sap. There will be a rare chance to encounter a Pokemon when you exime it, More common will be mushroom's that a manic will buy for a price. (HoneyShroom-Uncommon, Golden Shroom, Rare). The Pokemon that you will encounter in this area are as follows:

Grass patches:

Weepinbell(Anytime, Common) lvl 29
Known Moves- Sweet Scent, Knock off, Acid, Poison Powder

Rockador(Uncommon, Anytime) lvl 29
Known Moves-Low kick, Boulder Lift, Bind, karate chop

Heatabbit(Uncommon, Afternoon Only) lvl 27-29
Known Moves- Ember, FireSpin, Defense Curl, Bite

TikeWoon(uncommon, Anytime) lvl 27-29
Known Moves-Mach Punch, Bulk up, Karate chop, MegaPunch/MegaKick

Glasick(rare, Anytime) lvl 28
Known Moves- Molt, Bug Bite, Leech Life, Screech

Herbyic (Uncommon, Anytime) lvl 29
Known Moves- Ingrain, Burn Powder, Confusion, Growth

Mousatch (Rare, Anytime) lvl 15
Known Moves- Tackle, Ember, Scratch, Dig

Pokemon found in The sap tree's:

Carnivine (Rare) lvl 25
Known Moves-Ingrain, sweet scent, Vine Whip, bite

Combee (Rare) lvl 25
Known Moves, Bug Bite, Gust, Sweet scent

You will notice to the left of the boulders blocking your path there is a narrow path that will take you to your first bridge across the pit.the bridge is just a small sliver of ground. You will be unable to run of this. Follow this path until you get to an area where there are some workers tryin to push a boulder out of the path. A worker will come up to you.

Worker: Hey there. You dont happen to have a pokemon with strength do you?

walk up to the boulder on its right side and push it to the left. The workers will jump up and down and then go on through. The worker talks to you again.

Worker: Might nice of you! Here take this.

You get a Super Potion.

The worker will then go through, after he's gone, you head on through too. You will notice that as you traverse the area, you see Pokemon and People working in the bit below. There will be a fwe items you find lying around ripe for the picking. Of course some you many need to move Boulders out of the way to get them. The Item are (in no specific order):

Super potion x2
Red shard
Greesn shard x2
Blue shard
Great ball x2
Fire stone
Hard stone
Metal Coat

You will come across quiet a bit of people to battle as you navigate the paths.

Quarry Man #1: DIG DIG DIG! Gotta get those rocks!

He will have a lvl 29 Carnivine (Faint Attack, Ingrain, Vine Whip, Sweet Scent)

Win Phrase:

Are these nice looking rocks?

Lose Phrase:
These are nothing but pebbles....

Quarry Man #2: Im just about to go on break. Care for a battle?

He will have 2 lvl 29 Carnivines.

Win Phrase:

Good show!

Lose Phrase:

Dang, Piep break yet

Quarry Woman #3: City Slickers cant survie out here.

She will have a lvl 30 Rockador (Iron Arm, Boulder Lift, Bind, karate chop) and a lvl 29 Aron.

Win Phrase:

City Slicker.

Lose Phrase:

You look like a City Slicker, but you dont act like it

Quarry Man #4: SandStorm or Granite?

He will have a lvl 30 Rockador and a lvl 30 Tikewoon(Mach Punch, Bulk up, Karate chop, MegaPunch)

Win Phrase:


Lose Phrase:

Oh ho? Granite.

Miner(male) #5: Can you Dig it?

This will be a triple battle. He will have a lvl 30 Rockador, a lvl 30 Tikewoon and a lvl 30 Mousyro (Cross Fire, Flamethrower, Swagger, Take Down).

Win Phrase:

cant dig through that?

Lose Phrase:

You dug it all right!

After crossing over the pit who knows how many times, and pushing who knows how many boulders aside, you finally come to a stair case that take you down into the pit. There are ALOT of Pokemon and People digging here (im sure you noticed them as you were wondering around aimlessly up above). Talking to any of the people will result in the following.

Generic response: Pick axe, pick axe, pick axe, TNT, shovel, repeat.

If you go to your south through the gate house, you'll end up in Masonridge. Now if you head North to push the boulders out of your way, you will find the TM for Bulldoze.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:36 am
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